

Can people with hemophilia live on their own?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Yes of course, people with hemophilia live with it there whole lives so they learn to be very cautious.

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Q: Can people with hemophilia live on their own?
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How many people get hemophilia a year?

You have to be born with hemophilia, it is not something people can "catch".

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a flamingo can live on its own but people can have them as a pet or people can have them at a zoo

What is an inherited abnormality that causes a deficiency of a specific clotting factor resulting in a reduced ablitity to clot blood?

Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder that slows down the blood clotting process. People who have hemophilia often have longer bleeding after an injury or surgery. People who have severe hemophilia have spontaneous bleeding into the joints and muscles. Hemophilia occurs more commonly in males than in females.The two most common types of hemophilia are hemophilia A (also known as classic hemophilia) and hemophilia B (also known as Christmas disease). People who have hemophilia A have low levels of a blood clotting factor called factor eight (FVIII). People who have hemophilia B have low levels of factor nine (FIX).The two types of hemophilia are caused by permanent gene changes (mutations) in different genes.

What percent of peoplehave hemophilia?

Hemophilia affects approximately 1 in 10,000 people. The percentage is then approximately 0.01%.

Is hemophilia a sex-limited or a sex-influenced trait?

Hemophilia, along with color blindness, is a sex-linked recessive trait. Hemophilia is when a person lacks a clotting factor in the blood. This results in the decreased ability to have blood clots. This can be dangerous because a person may internally or externally bleed to death. People with hemophilia must take clotting factors (by needle injection) frequently throughout their lives in order to live. As it is to be known, mothers are the carriers of these kind of traits. If a mother has the hemophilia trait, that means that her son will have hemophilia.

Are people with Hemophilia prevented of getting Malaria?

No, hemophilia does not confer an advantage against malaria. People with sickle-cell anemia do have an immunity, of sorts.

What kinds of people have more of a chance of getting hemophilia?

Hemophilia is a genetic disease, therefore people who have ancestors who were hemophiliacs have a greater chance of getting it.

When did Abraham Lincoln get hemophilia?

It is actually not possible to 'get' hemophilia. Hemophilia is passed on from the mother (the carrier) to the son, not the daughter as it is rare for a girl. A boy has two chromosomes, an X and a Y, and girl has two X's. Hemophilia is inherited through the X chromosome, so a girl can carry hemophilia, but unless she inherits hemophilia on both of her chromosomes, she can't have the disease. REGARDING YOUR QUESTION, It is actually not confirmed whether Lincoln had hemophilia, people suspected some sort of genetic disorder, there were two suspected and hemophilia was one. People didn't know very much of the disease when Abraham was president. In fact is wasn't a named disease until 1828, and then hemophiliacs often didn't live pass the age of thirteen. With not much doctors could do to stop bleeding, and considering the age of Abraham its unlikely he had hemophilia.

How did hemophilia affect European politics and monarchies?

When people would dispute who should claim the throne when the heirs died from hemophilia.

What is the age range for hemophilia?

People with hemophilia usually live until they bleed nonstop. Sure if they are in a car accident and have a major artery severed. These days adult hemophiliacs are dealing with issues that most elderly people do. Liver disease is probably the deadliest part of having hemophilia if you received blood product in the 80's. Aside from that, we manage our bleeding disorder and live long prosperous lives. Stepping in front of buses and riding a motorcycles without a helmet are just as stupid for us to do as anyone else.

What are people with hemophilia at risk of?

People with hemophilia are at very high risk of hemorrhage (severe, heavy, uncontrollable bleeding) from injuries such as motor vehicle accidents and also from surgery.

How does hemophilia affect society?

It's important for society to know how scary hemophilia can be. Hemophilia is a blood clotting disorder in which it is hard to clot once bleeding has occurred. People that have hemophilia (mostly males) often lose a lot of blood and need donor blood. People in society need to know before they donate blood that their blood is clean (free of AIDS especially). People that have hemophilia are limited to certain activities and need to be extremely careful every minute of every single day.