

Can raw meat be cooked with vegetables?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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It can, but it is usually best to braise the meat first and put veg in later as they will cook long before the meat.

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Q: Can raw meat be cooked with vegetables?
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raw meat, such as rare cooked, no. raw vegetables, i would say yes but you might want to check with a doctor

Why should meat be chopped up on a different board from vegetables?

Raw meat has harmful bacteria in it. When eaten raw it can make us ill. So when chopping vegetables on the same board as meat they can contaminate each other. If cooking the vegetable straight after, its not so bad. And the reverse is true. If you cut raw veggies on a board then use the same board for cooked meat, any bacteria that were on the raw veggies can contaminate the cooked meat which might not go through any more kill steps Don't forget that many outbreaks are the result of eating raw vegetables that were contaminated - but not from cross-contamination in the kitchen.

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Cooked meat should be stored away from raw meat. If stored in the same fridge, have the cooked meat on a shelf about the raw meat. This is to prevent juices and blood from dripping onto cooked meat should the raw meat be on a higher shelf.

Can raw meat be cooked then frozen?

Yes, provided it is thoroughly cooked.

Why does cooked meat go on the top shelf in a fridge?

It's not that cooked meat should go on the top it's that raw meat should go below it to prevent raw juices landing on the cooked meat without you knowing potentialy leading to you getting ill when eating the cooked meat with raw meat juice on.

Can chutneys be serve cooked or raw?

Chutneys use fruits, beans, vegetables, herbs and spices, and can be served raw or cooked

Hi meat is not healthy unless you eat it with vegetables?

Meat can be healthy without eating vegetables. It will depend on the way the meat is cooked and what meat it is.

Why should raw meats and cooked meats be separted?

because the bacteria on the raw meat will contaminate the cooked. you idiot.

Are vegetables healthier cooked or raw?

Raw. cooking destroys anxtioxidents and vitamins somewhat.

Why is cooked meat safer than raw meat?

Cooking meat kills "germs."

It is safe to place cooked food on a plate that previously held raw meat?

No, it is not safe to place cooked food to place where previously raw meat was placed in condition if the place is not washed clean because the germs present in raw meat can contaminate to cooked food too like bacillus anthracis

Is it ok to cook with a mix of raw and cooked meat?

No ! ! !