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(no doubt some loonatic will say it is possible in a genetic laboratory) Under normal circumstances, No they can not.They are entirely different species. Neons lay eggs and Guppys have babies. It would be like crossing a hen with a cat. Can't be done naturaly.

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Yes, but they are not really compatible. Livebearers like their water around 70F to 75F and around pH7. Neons like around 78F to 82F and a pH6.5

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Probably not. The mollies will get to about 6 inches in length and eat your tetras, and you haven't specified the type of catfish, but that will probably eat them too.

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Yes you can they are all what is known as community fish. The thing is you don't want a bunch of the if you have a small tank.

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yes they can

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Q: Can you put neon tetras in with a catfish a eel a pleco guppies and mollies?
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What kind of freshwater fish do you have?

I have a lot of mollies, three angelfish, one cambodian shark, three bala sharks, one pleco, one clown loach, and a few guppies.

What tropical fish go well together?

Yes he is. Tropical fish include fish found in tropical environments (found close to the equator) around the world. The Guppy originates from South and Central America so he is a truly tropical fish.most of the guppies are found in st.lucia

Do differtent kind of guppies get along with other guppies?

Provided you keep to the basic rules of. :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. Every tank need at least 50% of its water replaced every week. You can mix many different species with guppies. A few suggestions are fish from the following family groups. Tetras, Barbs, Danios, Rasboras, Dwarf Cichlids, Anabantids and Corydoras. There are many others but your local pet shop should be able to advise you.

What are types of algae?

Pleco - Suckermouth catfish , Siamese Algae Eater, Albino Algae Eater , Ancistrus - Bristlenose pleco ,Oto Catfish , Plecostomus ( Very aggressive and go well with Oscar ) All algae eaters go well with Oscars.

You have 2 plecos and a catfish Can they live with 3 large goldfish that are about the same size of the plecos and catfish in a 50 gallon tank?

No. Goldfish are cold-water fish, plecos (which are catfish) and your other catfish are warm-water fish. You run a heater in a pleco/catfish tank, but no heater in a goldfish tank. Plecos are also territorial toward conspecifics, meaning two plecos in one tank will fight and possiibly kill each other. The other problem? A 50-gallon tank is only large enough for one pleco, even if they weren't territorial. I would return one pleco, either the catfish--what is it, a bagrid?--or the other pleco, and the goldfish. If you want to build a community around one of these big cats, try some medium-sized tough cichlids like Jack Dempseys or firemouths. I kept three Dempseys and a pleco in a 55-gallon aquarium for years, and they were great together.1st: Plecos are catfish.2nd: Goldfish can't live with any other fish besides other goldfish. 3rd: What kind of Catfish is it? 4th: 1 pleco per tank only!

Are 7 guppies 5 tetras 1 placo and 2 larger 2.5 inch fish to big for a 10 gallon tank?

DEFINITELY. It is cruel to keep so many fish in one tank. Your aquarium stocking level is 323%. I would recommend taking out the pleco (Pleco's have been reported being up to 24 inches long.) Replace it with a small catfish such as corydoras. Take out at least 4 guppies (the recommended guppy ratio is 2 females per Male.) And if you take out the 2 larger fish, you should have a pretty good tank setup.

Do Dalmatian mollies get along with goldfish?

Goldfish should only live with goldfish except for a few exceptions such as a bristlenose pleco or apple snails for example

What can you put a pleco with?

Some of the Pleco family grow quite large and should be kept with other largeish fish like Jack Dempeys and Oscars. Others are considerable smaller species but they will be OK with most of the Tetras, Barbs, Danios, Dwarf Cichlids and Anabantids.

Why do catfish eat smaller catfish?

because regular cats have babys and sometimes the male cat eats the babys, South American Red tailed Catfish eat Corydoras Tiger Shovelnose eat small pleco and corydoras channel catfish eat flagtail and porthole cats

Can you keep a Cory catfish and a pleco in a 1.5 gallon bowl with a few medium sized rocks and a plastic plant?

No. A pleco gets to be between 12 and 18 inches long and needs to be in AT LEAST a 55-gallon aquarium. 125 is better.

I am thinking about turning my tank light off I have 1 Common Pleco 1 1 Bristlenose Pleco 3 Mollies 2 Guppies 3 Clown Loachs and Red Tailed Shark 2 Cichilids 2 Flying Foxes and 2 Corys can I?

Yes. You should be turning off your tank light at night and turning it back on during the day. You may want to get a inexpensive time so you do not have to remember to do it everyday and when you go on vacations.

Does glo-fish and guppies get along?

I made the mistake of adding 2 male guppies in with my 3 Glofish. The Glofish are so hyper that they got to picking on the guppies and eventually eat their tails...killing them. If you have a number of guppies and glofish, I would suggest a larher number of guppies to glofish. (Also female Glofish tend to be a little more aggressive, but get along great with my Dalmation Mollies. Hope this helps!