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DEFINITELY. It is cruel to keep so many fish in one tank. Your aquarium stocking level is 323%. I would recommend taking out the pleco (Pleco's have been reported being up to 24 inches long.) Replace it with a small catfish such as corydoras. Take out at least 4 guppies (the recommended guppy ratio is 2 females per Male.) And if you take out the 2 larger fish, you should have a pretty good tank setup.

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12y ago
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13y ago

I would say about 3-5 platys with a 50 watt filter and if you have a 200 watt filter up to 10-15 a 100 watt will fit 6-9

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Q: Are 7 guppies 5 tetras 1 placo and 2 larger 2.5 inch fish to big for a 10 gallon tank?
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What sort of aquarium fish are there?

Mollies, tetras, south African cichlids, African cichlids, wags, gold fish, beta fish, placo's, catfish, guppies, kois, goriamies, theres a lot more but I dont have the time to list them. Go to your local pet store, if they sell aquariums and fish, they should be much more familiar with all the different types than I am.

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Is it ok a placo darts to the surface constantly?

I'm assuming you mean a pleco, and it probably means the tank is not aerated enough. He most likely needs more oxygen.

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"cloison de doublage" or "plaque de plâtre", better known under the brand name "Placoplâtre" and "Placo". Builders may also call it "B.A. 13" or "B.A. 10" depending of its thickness in mm.

Can a Betta live in a six-gallon tank with mollies and a platy?

Yes I have done this many times, but make sure it is with fish that won't nip at it's fins. I also found they seem a little calmer with some cover so I float plants on top of the tank & they tend to hang out there. Answermost deffinately, many people do not know that you may also keep male and female betas with placo's (algea eater), and short fin danios, or any small fish that does not have bright colors or fancy fins. The only problem with adding fish is that your tank will become alot dirtier.Also make sure that you have no more that 1 inch of fish for each gallon: example: total length of fish= 10 inches means you need at least a 10 gallon tank which usually cost no more that $12 or $13 at the most.but my 10 gallon aquarium costed 70$ dollars which came with a roof with a light and a charcole power filther and my betta lives with 2 fancy guppiesAnswerYes, you can keep a male betta in a tank with mollies and platies. Just keep an eye on the fish to make sure that they are not nipping at the bettas fins. Avoid over-crowding, make sure that tank maintenance is up to par, and ensure that there is an area of the tank's surface that is calm for the betta to use for breathing.NO! The basic rule that all successfull aquarists use is "1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water". A well bred Molly will grow to around 3 or 4 inches. Platys grow to around 2 inches. So 1 molly and 1 platy will max your tiny tank out. There is insufficient room in the tank for a Betta or anything else. (The recommended size tank for a Betta is 10 gallons. (nominal) )