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== == * I've heard it said that once a female becomes pregnant then her symptoms will rub off onto the male.

== == * It is not a myth! Some men are quite sensitive to their female counterpart's pregnancy symptoms WHEN she is pregnant. They can get indigestion, pains in their stomach and believe it or not some men feel (but of course aren't) going through labor. I would think it's more out of nervousness. Men generally don't feel pregnancy symptoms when they are dating and their girlfriend isn't pregnant (for sure.) He may be worried (you probably have been worried yourself about getting pregnant) that you are! This can cause indigestion, headaches, stomach pains and plain worry on both of your parts. If he's got anything it's bad nerves. Hopefully you are using condoms at least and of course they are not 100% effective. == == * I think everyone's different, when my mom was pregnant with me she found out because my dad started to get pregnancy symptoms, but then again it didn't happen with my other sisters only with me. so yeah, i just guess everyone's different. * From experience I can say that yes your boyfriend could also get the pregnancy symptoms. In my case my boyfriend had basically all the symptoms. He had the morning sickness, he felt sick most of the time, vomited a couple of times, he had the cravings, and the day before I gave birth he felt really bad pain. I will never forget that day because when he was going through his pain he told me, "watch your going to give birth tomorrow!" And as you know it. I gave birth the very next day. Its really awkward and funny, but it was a great experience.

== == == ==

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Q: Could you be pregnant if your boyfriend started getting pregnancy symptoms and how early will he get the symptoms after having sex?
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If the woman has recently had sex and is no longer getting her period and has pregnancy-like symptoms, she should see a doctor to see if she is pregnant. It is definitely a possibility.

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I suggest getting the book "What to expect when expecting" you can get it cheap (.75 cents) on Every woman is different so it is hard to say what symptoms you will have and when.

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Sometimes it is everyday vomiting. Sometimes it is weekly.

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Yes to your first question and pregnancy symptoms can happen at any time but the only true way to tell is waiting a few weeks and getting a blood test. Good luck.

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You wouldn't. You wouldn't be getting any symptoms yet and you couldn't get a positive result on a pregnancy test