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One of the things he did was work as being a president and doing other stuff that he had to while he was alive living .But right now if he was alive he stand in front of a million people of the United State of America was one of the best presidents in the worlds THE END.

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Q: Did Andrew Johnson do any activities while he was president?
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Was Andrew Johnson a slaveholder?

yes but not while he was president

Where did Andrew Johnson live while being president?

the white house

What major event did Andrew Johnson do while he wuz president?


What states joined the union while Andrew Johnson was president?

Nebraska in 1867.

Who was the vice president while Lincoln was president?

Hannibal Hamlin for the first term, and Andrew Johnson for the second.

Did Andrew Johnson die while he was president?

No. The 17th President of the United States Andrew Johnson was in office from April 15, 1865 to March 4, 1869. President Johnson died on July 31, 1875.

While Andrew Johnson was president the US purchased what land from russia for 1.2 million?


Who was the vice president during the 13 14 15 amendment?

Abraham Lincoln was president while the 13th Amendment was going through the Senate and the House, but he was assassinated before it was officially adopted. Andrew Johnson was president while the 13th and 14th Amendments were adopted, and Ulysses S. Grant was president while the 15th Amendment was adopted.

While Johnson was President what did the majority of Congress do?

President Andrew Johnson was impeached, and under President Lyndon B. Johnson, Congress passed some of the most important laws, including the Civil Rights Act.

Who was the first president to become assassinated while in office?

lincoln 16th president. his vice prsident andrew johnson took over, just as lyndon johnson took over from kennedy

What states did president Andrew Johnson add to the union?

Nebraska became at state in 1967 while Johnson was President. (He also completed the purchase of Alaska, adding it to US territory to eventually become a state.)

Why was Andrew Johnson convicted?

While Andrew Johnson was impeached because of his handling of his job as president, he was not convicted. He missed conviction by one vote in the US Senate. The senator said that he did not deserve to be convicted and that the charges were petty and meaningless.