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No, he only visited Kenya and only briefly.

He was born in Hawaii and lived there while his parents attended the University of Hawaii. Later, after his parents had separated and his father returned to Kenya, his mother met and married a man who was from Indonesia and she and Barack moved there to live. Barack Obama stayed there in Jakarta from the ages of 6 to 10 before his mother sent him back to live in Hawaii with his grandparents to have access to better schools.

He lived as an adolescent and teenager in Hawaii. After high school he went to school in NY at Columbia College, then went to Harvard and, after graduating with his law degree with honors from Harvard Law, he moved to Chicago where he lived, married, bought a house, and began a family with his wife, Michelle. They lived there where he eventually entered politics and became the US Senator from Illinois. They moved from Illinois into the White House when he became President.

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