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Probably a lot of people with disagree with this, but I think it decreased. The threat of mutual assured destruction was enough---and still is I think---to ensure that the great nation states would always try to avoid war at all costs. Totally agree with above Answer, in addition with both having nuke capability they both had what is known as (certainly in the military) as a "credible deterrent" I agree with other answers, both countries knew that if they used theirs, the other country would. Neither countries wanted as much danger as nukes were. There is an entire branch of theories dedicated to this type of situation called game theory. the overall verdict is that it decreased until someone launches a nuke. I agree with the answers above. The likelihood of war was greatly decreased, but the overall devastation of one would be greatly increased.

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Q: Did the development of nuclear weapons in both the United States and Soviet Union serve to increase or decrease the likelihood of war?
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