

Do aliens drink water

Updated: 12/14/2022
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12y ago

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The presence of real extraterrestrial life has, as of yet, not been identified in our universe with exact measures.

Therefore, it is currently impossible for humans to tell whether aliens need water, like humans do, to survive.

However, there are many speculations on the biological structure of aliens. Some of these guesses are shaped like humanoids, others not. Obviously, though, we can't identify any as being wrong or right just yet (although some ideas are just crazy).

We have also been successful in finding planets that are capable of sustaining not just any life, but HUMAN life other than our own. These planets are far away, however, and the immense distance of space keeps us from determining whether there are really humans, or any life, on these planets. If there are, however, they could be classified as "aliens" to us, and they would most likely need water like we do.

Who knows?

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