

Do wealthy women stay in abusive relationships?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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I would be considered by most to be an upper-middle class woman. I own a home, make over 100K a year, have stock investments and a 401K, many friends i can call at all hours of the night, and have the money/means to do pretty much whatever i want. By outside eyes, i have it together. I have been very careful about getting into relationships due to my children. But now that they are older, I had finally met someone who i wanted to have a relationship with.. and we have for the past year. He is a wonderful man to me. I thought we had a good relationship. He is retired, living on a fixed income, with much less cash than i had. I wasn't dating him for money.. to be honest i was dating him for the feeling of being close to someone.... he is the only man i know who made me feel like safe enough to be vulnerable. BUT, he drinks. He drinks for the sexual high, he says. He started early in our relationship, getting pushy and sensitive when he was drunk.. saying i did not have time for him or treat him like an equal or appreciate what i did for him... and he was very pushy about my having sex with him whenever/however he wanted when he was drunk. This might mean i leave work early, this might mean i leave home and drive to his place... this might mean i go out and buy another bottle of wine at 7:00 a.m. when the stores starting selling wine. And I stayed for over a year... negotiating, working through deals "ok, drink but only 6 hours, not 2 days", crying, acting like the low-class trash we were becoming together. Wealth has nothing to do with it. I stayed because I felt so safe with the sober him... he was going to take care of me, he was stronger than me, he knew stuff i did'nt know. I felt like a woman, a cared for, when i was with him. That is seductive to someone who still feels like a little girl inside. Your income has nothing to do with who you really are. And you stay in these relationships, you bargain with your soul, because of who you are and what your weaknesses are... not because you do or do not need money.

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yes.. look into the domestic violence literature on something like PSYCHINFO through a library

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Immediate emergency shelter is one of the most needed things by survivors of domestic violence. Without this they may have to stay in abusive relationships and may not make it out alive.

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That is the exact reason women get into a relationship in the first place!

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Women stay in abusive relationships for a variety of reasons, it is never that simple. They may believe that they can work through issues with their partner and the abuse will diminish. It is never easy to leave someone when the heart is entangled, just because there is abuse doesn't mean there is not love. There may be a fear of being 'alone', but it is not usually just that that keeps them. Victims of abuse often suffer from high levels of insecurity and low self-confidence which makes it easy for them to be convinced by the abuser that they are at fault for their abusive behaviour. So, often the woman may feel that if she changes her behaviour then the abuse will stop. It can become a cycle that becomes more and more abusive over time and leaves the woman feeling so hopeless that she begins to accept her partners abusive behaviour.Yes, and it also depends on the culture of the woman. In some culture women are not "allowed" or afraid to leave, it could be so that they don't bring shame to their family...a lot of times they stay for "the kids" not realizing that they do more harm to their children when they stay in an abusive relationship. Abusers also chose women that have issues, like insecurity thus making it easier for them to control the victim. Also, in this day in age, the victim is no longer just a woman, it can be a man, in the gay/lesbian community, transgender community. Rich or poor, educated or not, violence exists and I think the cycle can be broken if the children can be taken out of the violent situation in time so that their generation has a chance to make better choices and live different lives.

Is staying in abusive relationship a good idea?

You should definitely go. An abusive relationship is unhealthy for you both physically and emotionally. If you continue to stay with that abusive person, you will more than likely end up being attracted to more abusive people in the future. In fact some abusive relationships can lead to suicide and/or being murdered.

Is it normal for women to be abusive?

It is not normal... No-one should be abusive wether they're male or female. If they are you should try to get that person help like "Anger Therapy" or just stay clear of that person and try not to get hurt. Sincerely, ME

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I've always found that it's unhealthy to stay in relationships with those who are verbally abusive. But it's equally important to learn to forgive. Forgiveness gives you freedom from bitterness. And even though you might forgive someone, they may continue to be verbally abusive. When that happens, it's better to keep short and simple contact with that person.

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Many times, women don't "seek out" abusive men necessarily, but women are often attracted to "bad" boys, and that is just the way it is, no reason for it. And of course those bad boys could end of being highly abusive. Men are abusive when they control everything in a their parter's life. There is physical abuse, and emotional abuse, and many other types. If you ever feel threatened or unsafe, that could be a sign of abuse and you have to get out of that relationship immediately before it becomes something you'll regret. Your "man" WILL ask for you back, but you just have to stay strong and listen to your heart!