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No I do not have a mortgage from AARP Reverse Mortgage because I am not 100 years old. That is for old people who need money and do not need their house any longer because they will be dieing soon.

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Q: Do you have a mortgage from AARP Reverse Mortgage?
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What does it mean by reverse mortgage aarp?

To reverse a mortgage it means that you are using a portion of the home's equity as collateral. Although, the aarp loans are for seniors; aarp does not endorse or recommend these loans.

What is the difference between a reverse mortgage AARP and a regular mortgage AARP?

A reverse mortgage is for Seniors 62 and older. It uses equity in the home as a loan. It typically does not have to be repaid until the home is moved out of permantly. A regular mortgage is when you borrow money and pay it back on a home to build equity in the home. AARP does not recommend reverse mortgages.

Where can I apply for an AARP reverse mortgage?

Many of your large nation banks will offer a AARP reverse mortgage. You may be able to go through a mortgage broker as well who can help you navigate the application process and offer competitive rates.

Does AARP offer a reverse mortgage to seniors?

AARP itself does not offer reverse mortgages but provides information and resources about them. Seniors can obtain a reverse mortgage through various lenders approved by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). It's important to explore all options and seek independent financial advice before deciding to proceed with a reverse mortgage.

How does an AARP Reverse Mortgage Calculator help seniors?

An AARP Reverse Mortgage Calculator helps seniors estimate how much they could potentially borrow through a reverse mortgage loan based on factors like age, home value, and current interest rates. It provides a rough idea of the funds they may be eligible to access as a financial resource for retirement planning.

What is the advatage of taking an AARP reverse mortgage?

One of the biggest advantages of taking an AARP reverse mortgage is that one can start receiving money based on the current value of the property without having to sell it.

What reverse mortgage calculator is the best one?

Opinions vary about which reverse mortgage calculator is the best, but a very good one is the AARP Reverse Mortgage Calculator. It provides estimates for two different reverse mortgage programs to tell you how much money you might receive under the plan.

Where can I learn about reverse mortgage aarp?

A reverse mortgage is a loan that can be made under certain circumstances to senior citizens depending on the equity they have in their home. the AARP is an organization that advocates for american citizens 50 years and older.

How can your AARP membership help you get a reverse mortgage?

The AARP site has a lot of information about reverse mortgages and helps you make and informed decision in regard to whether it is the right move for you.

Does the AARP recommend a particular mortgage company for reverse mortgages?

They dont recommend any company or endorse reverse mortgage, they want you to have the information to make a good decision on less expensive loan alternatives.

Do you still have to pay monthly mortgage if you have a reverse mortgage?

No, the purpose of a reverse mortgage mortgage is to eliminate mortgage payments permanently.

Where can one find information on a reverse mortgage?

The best place to find information about a reverse mortage is from a group or site which is not directly involved in supplying reverse mortgages since they will explain both the pros and cons of such a mortgage. The AARP has some excellent information, as does the Federal Trade Commission.