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Yes. Child support is ordered by the state court of jurisdiction. Immigration issues are federal jurisdiction matters. Even though there are a few states and/or communities attempting to pass laws or have established laws relating to specific immigration issues such laws are being challenged and thus far have been found invalid. An illegal immigrant can also be ordered to pay child support whether or not that person has a traceable financial record or not. However, the custodial parent/guardian will, no doubt have a difficult time collecting ordered support if the obligated parent refuses to voluntarily cooperate.

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Q: Do you have to pay child support even if the custodial parent is an illegal alien?
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Why should you pay child support to illegal alien?

For the same reason everybody else pay child support - to support your child! Just because one parent is a illegal alien does not make the child any less yours.

If an adult illegal alien has a parent that is a naturalized citizen what is his status?

If they are an adult their status is still the same, they are an illegal alien.

Do you have to pay child support if the mother of the child is an illegal alien?

AnswerIm illegal alien, my ex is illegal alien and the kid is illegal alien, guess what i have to pay child support, laws are for everyone not matter your status as long your feets are in U.S.

Can an illegal alien get deported if he gets served with child support papers?

Perhaps, but the mother should also be charged for harboring an illegal alien.

What happens when an illegal alien doesn't pay child support?

An illegal alien would not be taken to court to be sued for child support because he would have no documentation. If he was taken, he would probably be held and perhaps deported.

Can an illegal alien have custody of children?

An illegal alien slated for deportation can sue for full custody if he or she wants. However, it is extremely unlikely to be granted. The courts will normally side with the parent who is remaining in the US.

Can the government collect child support from an illegal alien who gets paid cash?

No, but they can deport him.

How can a illegal alien pay child child support and he cant work?

Because he's an illegal alien... plus, he most certainly can work; just not a tax paying/reporting job.

What does illegal alien stand for?

Illegal alien stands for illegal imagrant!

Can an Illegal Alien avoid deportation by using a sponsor?

I do not think there is an illegal alien, but there is such thing as alien

Can an illegal alien be held in jail for non payment of child support or be deported?

Either scenario is possible.

What is a good illegal alien citizen?

'Illegal alien citizen' is an oxymoron.