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Absolutely. And if the school system has anyone with intelligence they will require you to provide them with proof of such coverage in the same amount equal to their liability coverage amount. If this is a one time thing you can purchase a liability policy called special event coverage.

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Q: Do you need liability insurance if you have a party in a school building?
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What is lessor's risk insurance?

It is insurance for the owner of the building that covers the building and liability. However it does not cover for any of the tenants that are occupying the suites within the building. It is also known as landlords insurance.

Is there a difference between public liability and third party insurance?

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What is the purpose of third party liability insurance?

Third party liability insurance is useful if you are blamed for having caused an accident and someone wishes to file a claim against you. With third party insurance you are insured for claims up to a predetermined amount.

What is third party insurance?

Third Party Insurance is a Liability insurance purchased by the insured (first party) from an insurance company (second party) for protection against possible suits brought by another (third party).

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Where can one obtain a certificate of liability insurance?

The Certificate of liability insurance refers to a paper that summarizes the benefits of an insured party's insurance policy. In order to get or obtain a certificate of liability insurance one can apply online on TechInsurance or through their local insurance company.

What kinds of insurance policies can have property damage liability insurance as a part of the policy?

Obtain third party prices from general product insurers here! Rated auto car group comparison of general liability insurance quotes and instant product liability insurance rates for women. Luxury employers accident liability insurance estimates in ins commerce and public liability insurance for business liability insurance

If you are involved in an accident and have auto liability insurance and the other driver does not what are your rights?

Liability insurance for drivers is a requirement in the state of Mississippi. The other party involved in this accident does not have insurance. I do have liability insurance. The accident was not reported although law enforcement was called and an accident report was completed. The other party now wants me to fix her automobile. What are my rights in this situation?

What is meant by third party liability in marine insurance?

A person other than the parties to a liability policy (i.e., not the insurer nor the policyholder) is a third party.

Is car insurance on the car or on the driver?

The basic insurance/third-party liability covers third-party persons. But if you have comprehensive car insurance, it not only covers you, third-party persons but also your car.

What does liability insurance pays for?

It pays to another party if you injure them or damage their property.

What is third party only Insurance cover on a vehicle?

Third party insurance, is also called liability insurance. This type of insurance does not cover you per say, but it covers others. When you are involved in an auto accident for which you are at fault, your liability or third party insurance will cover injuries and damages you cause to others, up to your liability limit. For example if you run a stop sign and hit another car, your third party insurance would cover the injuries, medical expenses, and property damage of the car you hit. You have a limit of third party insurance which is outlined by your policy and determines how much you pay for insurance. Each state and province has their own laws, but most require that you have a minimum amount of liability insurance. This is to protect all drivers because if the damages of an accident exceed your liability amount, you will be required to pay the difference, which can end up being several thousand dollars. Therefore it is recommended that you increase your third party liability above the state minimums. If you want your vehicle covered, you need to get comprehensive or collision coverage.