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Yes, God does heal people.

  • There are numerous cases of people being ill, deciding to put their faith in God and being healed. Some people no longer have seizures; others have had tumors disappear, leaving doctors scratching their heads. Some have even claimed to have missing limbs grow back. God heals when the time is right. God will do healing miracles; the Lord Jesus said "to who believeth will do greater works than that I do." A couple of times in the Gospels, Jesus was in an area where people knew him from when he was growing up. This caused these people not to believe in his miracles, and The Bible says he could not do many miracles there because of their unbelief. The same is true for us today. When we don't trust God and are hardened by life, we become unable to receive or even see the miracles around us. In the Bible God heals people like He raised Lazarus from the dead He made the lame to walk and caused the blind to see. He still heals people today through prayer. God identifies himself as the God of healing in Exodus 15:26 where He says, "I am the Lord who heals you (Yhwh Rapha)". When you get a cut on your finger it heals. When you get a bruise it heals. Most of the healing that takes place in the world is done with out the use of science or medicine. God created our bodies to heal themselves. So yes, God does heal.

There is such a thing as spiritual health, but it is not the same as faith healing.

  • It is the belief that heals, not the god, in light of the existence of miracles within Atheism, deism, and agnosticism. It is the person's faith or belief that causes the healing. The person's faith acts as a placebo and it has the same effects. A placebo is used in medical treatment as a form of psychological conditioning that allows the patient to heal himself/herself by simply believing that they are receiving a miraculous new drug. Religion is used primarily as a process of hypnotic conditioning for the super-conscious-brain. The person with a fully developed subconsciousness (super-conscious-brain) can then influence or manipulate matter to create desired results. The individual however is seldom able to replicate the results because of his/her ignorance as to the actual triggers.

God heals people through medicine.

  • If you believe that God really exists, the answer is simple: God heals us by providing the medical knowledge and ability to use it well. If you don't believe in God, then no, faith cannot help at all and you should trust only to proven science. Either way, visiting the doctor is a good idea. More times than you or I will ever dream of. I do not want to undermine any answer given but you should always consult a physician, and follow the physician's orders in regards to medicine for healing your body. Science has given us many advances in medicine and healing, but God is sovereign over all things.

No, God does not heal people.

  • If God can heal people, all medical practitioners, medical equipment producers and medical drug manufacturers will be out of work. God does not heal anyone. He cannot regrow amputated limbs or even heal limbs attached. Many Christians are healed by doctors and then they go to church and give the credit to an invisible friend. That is what they call 'faith healing'. They deny science works yet they get their health care from science. When faith healing does not work, they will settle for a 'partial healing'. There have been no credible faith healing. Faith healing is a religious scam. Reality is the physical world we live in, the toes we stub and swear about, the fingers we trap in doors, the wages we get paid, the food we eat and for many people the reality is the food they don't have, the sickness they cannot afford doctors for, the education that their societies and circumstances make impossible. faith might comfort these people but it won't change their realities, only physical change will do that. Stories from the Bible don't count and neither do unsubstantiated stories of miracle cures. If it is real there will be provable, incontrovertible evidence of it's reality. The world has been waiting for this proof for aeon's and it has yet to appear. That is an interesting premise but fatally flawed. It rests on the idea of "belief" being able to make a difference in the physical world that we live in.

Views of various faiths.

  • God is not a manifest human being and therefore, how does God heal directly? Atheists do not believe in God and therefore, how are they healed? But a theist would say the atheists are just wrong because God really exists. However, science may also debunk the God issue in healing. Still, I have no problem in the healing powers of God, but my God is attribute-less and would not interfere with man for any reason. Therefore, I say spirit or the voice of Sat Nam (Fifth Plane Overlord - not the one central God) is the healer that we can feel palpably as human beings. So, it is feeling that heals and not God directly. Reducing the Supreme Deity to such nonsense as healing a mortal bag of bones is ludicrous.
  • Representing an Islamic point of view, nothing in this world happens without Allah's will. That never means we shouldn't go to doctors -of course not, as Allah told us that we should "act with reasons" which means do what's possible for you to do, but after all it's Allah's will whether we heal or not. So if not him then who does?
  • Yes, God does heal with his spiritual energy. First, find one reliable Guru who can teach you how to do meditation. Then do meditate regularly, eat only vegetarian food, make yourself very sensitive then you would be able to sense the healing energy or even you can experience the God energy in the temple, in your home if you do regular puja at your home, when you chant Mantra, also you can sense bad energy like ghost. Very easy one try to chant OM one hour daily and see what happens.
  • The Jewish view is that it is God who does the healing (Exodus 15:26, Jeremiah 17:14), while we are at the same time commanded to use conventional medicine (Exodus 21:19; Talmud, Bava Kama 85) since it is often through the medium of regular medicine that God chooses to do the healing.

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12y ago

Do not be fooled by TV preachers. If God could or would heal the sick there would be no sick people .

AnswerGod can, and often does, heal through people other than doctors. Often, though, He chooses a different method for a variety of potential reasons. Even when Jesus healed in the Bible, He often would deal first with the root problem of unforgiven sin.


According to gods word he does not heal people today as he has set aside 1000 years to do this, jesus was showing by what he did by healing people by giving a demonstration of what he will do worldwide under the new government in which jesus is king

God does not use preachers to heal anyone, if god heals one person then he must heal every person on earth because god is not partial

As the Bible says: "God is not partial" (Acts 10:34, 35)

ALL those who claim that god is using them to heal are wrong because he would not use such ones who do not teach the truth about him


"Not everyone saying to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?' And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness.

Matthew 7:21-23
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12y ago
AnswerThere has been a lot of discussion in the newspapers recently about the impending sainthood for Mary McKillop, a process which is said to require two miraculous healings. While acknowledging McKillop's remarkable achievements in life, almost all respondents outside the Church hierarchy, including acknowledged Catholics, gave no credence to the claim that the miracles occurred. Some put it down to the placebo effect - the belief that something (even a fake tablet) will work for you sometimes makes you better. Most put it down to a statistical effect.

One respondent asked how many sick people prayed for a cure, but were not cured; or how many people did NOT pray for a cure, but still went into remission. The statistical effect means that if enough people trust in their God, or any god, then some of them will go into common remission and credit the cure to their God. Unexplained cancer remissions are said to be as high as one patient in every 70,000.

Perhaps God sometimes relies on the placebo effect and sometimes the statistical effect.

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12y ago

Yes god really does heal the sick. The important thing here is that you must pray believing that you will get healed, and do not doubt it and if God doesnt heal you it is because you didnt believe enough, you didnt pray enough and you didnt give enough money to the church ,so therefor it is your fault not Gods if you don't get healed.

god is extremely picky about who he will heal,god will not heal people who were born severely mentally retarded. god will not heal a child that is born missing an arm or a leg or both. god will not heal amputees. god will not heal dwarfs or severely deformed children, god will not heal conjoined twins, god will not heal burn victims who have lost ears,noses,fingers,toes,lips,or eyelids. god will not heal people who are born without eyeballs nor people who lose both eyeballs such as in an accident.

Seems that regrowing flesh,regrowing whole limbs and eyeballs,reversing genetic disorders like dwarfism,retardation and separating conjoined twins is a bit too difficult to do even for such a supreem being..which is why none of the above has ever been medically or scientifically documanted in the last 300 years..

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10y ago

Well if you're christian and you believe in what the bible says then yes, Jesus can always heal people and do other miracles such as walking on water and being able to control fish. but if you are like me and believe strongly about science and the evolution theory then no, science has discredited almost all bible stories, such as the story of moses and how he set plagues of destruction upon Egypt to force the Pharaoh to release his Jewish slaves, this has been completely resolved, all those plagues were simply the after effects off the Nile river flooding way over the flood-banks causing frogs, locusts and diseases into the towns and cities, which killed off many animals and people, basically science explains all the unexplainable things that happen in the bible therefor the bible in my view is a jumped up version of events that have been made to sound a lot more magical than the simple event that happened. there is always a reasonable explanation to all the unexplainable things in life, i suggest people should read the article by David Wong; Embrace the Horror, that explains life and how everything was, is and always will be! Dean Johnson

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7y ago

Popular belief is that God heals people in response to prayer. In 2005, the John Templeton Foundation put this to the test, conducting a carefully designed, double-blind trial of the effect of intercessary prayer on the outcome of surgery.

The intention was to evaluate whether (1) receiving intercessory prayer or (2) being certain of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with uncomplicated recovery after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. It was felt that previous trials showing a benefit had used sub-optimal methods of data analysis, non standard methods of randomisation and allocation concealment, and untested outcome measures, while those showing no effect had insufficient statistical power to reach this conclusion. Patients at 6 US hospitals were randomly assigned to one of 3 groups: 604 received intercessory prayer after being informed they may or may not receive prayer; 597 did not receive intercessory prayer, also after being informed they may or may not receive prayer; and 601 received intercessory prayer after being informed they would receive prayer. Intercessory prayer was provided for 14 days, starting the night before CABG. Any complication within 30 days of CABG would be regarded as a primary outcome. Secondary outcomes were any major event and mortality.

- Results

In the two groups uncertain about receiving intercessory prayer, complications occurred in: · 52% (315/604) of patients who received intercessory prayer · 51% (304/597) of those who did not receive intercessory prayer Complications occurred in 59% (352/601) of patients who knew they received intercessory prayer. It was suggested that the patient's knowledge that he or she was being prayed for could have caused anxiety, thus resulting in a worse outcome. Major events and 30-day mortality were similar across the 3 groups.

- Templeton Foundation Conclusions

Intercessory prayer itself had no effect on complication-free recovery, but certainty of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with a higher incidence of complications. On page 14 of their findings, the Foundation states that The finding that intercessory prayer, as provided in this study, had no effect on complication-free may be due to the study limitations. Some possible limitations in the study are canvassed.

- Conclusion

The Templeton Foundation and its supporters in this trial are far from adversarial to the notion that prayer is beneficial. Nevertheless, they conclusively report that intercessary prayer was proven to have no benefit on the outcome of surgery, in the most carefully designed trial of this type ever undertaken. It is still possible that God sometimes heals people, but so far the evidence is that he does not.

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7y ago

In 2005, the John Templeton Foundation decided to establish whether God would respond to people's intercessory prayers. It conducted a carefully designed, double-blind trial of the effect of intercessory prayer on the outcome of surgery, to evaluate whether (1) receiving intercessory prayer or (2) being certain of receiving intercessory prayer was associated with uncomplicated recovery after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. The finding was that intercessory prayer itself had no effect on complication-free recovery, but certainty of receiving intercessory prayer was actually associated with a higher incidence of complications (probably because this certainty caused anxiety among some patients). This trial helps establish that God does not heal people, even when many people pray for this.

Those who claim that they can channel God's power and heal people by the laying on of hands or otherwise, are usually quite wealthy individuals. Persuading desperate people is a lucrative business.

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