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It depends on the application, but if you're referencing at the end of an email or letter, it would come after.


Thank you,

*insert your name*

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Q: Does a comma before or after thank you?
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Do you put a comma after thank you when used before the phrase staff and parishioners?

Yes, you do. For example, "Thank you, staff and parishioners."

If you are saying thank you to someone do you use a comma?

Not usually : "Thank you for listening to me" does not need a comma. However, if you write their name afterward ("Thanks, Fred."), you need a comma after thank you.

Do I place a comma before someone's name if I am directing a statement towards them example thank you comma Peter or would i simply write thank you Peter?

When you address someone directly, you offset their name or pronoun with a comma(s). "Joe, please give me a hand." "I'll be there in a minute, Mom." "Thank you, Peter."

Comma after Thank you in a sentence?

Not necessarily. I want to thank you for helping me last night. A comma would wrong here. "Thank you," said Sam. There is a comma here, but it is not because of the words "thank you." You would write: "I want ice cream," said Sam. Thank you usually stands by itself or with an appellation. "Thank you, Sam!" In this case, the comma is there to set off the appellation, not because you used the words thank you. For example, you would write: "Go screw yourself, Sam!" or "Sam, thank you so much."

What is an Oxford comma?

An Oxford (or serial) comma is used right before a conjunction in a list.For example:Without Oxford Comma:I would like to thank my parents, my acting coach and God.With Oxford Comma:I would like to thank my parents, my acting coach, and God.

Do you use a comma after thank you?

it depends where its at in a sentence

Should you use a comma before as needed or as directed?

v Recommend donor recognition and thank you protocols and development policies, as needed.

Such as a comma b and c or a comma b comma and c People say the last comma before and is not necessary?

last comma before the and is not necessary

Is it proper to add a comma after thank you in Thank you Jim?

Adding a comma is perfectly proper, but not compulsory. In speech, adding a tiny pause between 'you' and 'Jim' tells him that you really are grateful. When writing, a comma signals that little pause.

Is there a comma before and after the word or?

the comma would be before Or In A Sentencee. =]

Do you use a comma before Jr?

Yes, you should use a comma before "Jr." when writing a person's name to separate the person's last name from the suffix. For example, "John Smith, Jr."

Comma before or after the word but?

The comma should come before the word "but" when it is used to separate two independent clauses. For example: "I wanted to go to the store, but it started raining."