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The older one is, the more likely polio will exhibit serious symptoms like paralysis.

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10y ago

Polio seems to affect children more often than adults. Gender doesn't matter nor race.

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Related questions

What was used in an attempt to fight the spread of polio?

Immunizations were formed in an attempt to fight different disease such as polio. In many parts of the world where immunizations are given, polio and other previously deadly diseases are virtually non existent.

Why was polio vaccine so important?

If you can get all the children of your locality polio vaccinated, there is least liklihood of future generation having contacted polio disease. By this way the impact of polio vaccination is immese. By rigorous polio vaccination drive, India has been declared by WHO as polio free country for two consecutive years.

What age group gets polio?

Most of the people who get Polio are in areas of bad sanitation, have drunk or been near contaminated water, young pregnant women and those whose immune systems are already weakened by other medical conditions or diseases. Other ways you can pick up Polio include; travelling to places where Polio is currently endemic, living with someone who is infected with Polio, having your tonsils removed or working in a laboratory where live Poliovirus is kept.

How polio is spread?

Polio is transmitted, most commonly, through fecal matter and saliva.

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Why do you suppose dominant groups persecute other people?

Dominant groups may persecute others due to a desire to maintain power and control, fear of losing their dominant status, prejudices or stereotypes, or a need to scapegoat others for societal issues. This behavior is often driven by a sense of superiority and the belief that their dominance is threatened by the presence or perceived differences of others.

Is polio virus a microorganism?

Microorganism means very small sized organism. It can not be seen with naked eye. You have to use microscopes to see it. Polio virus is a virus. Virus are too small as compared to other microorganisms. So polio virus is included in the category of the microorganisms.