


Whether you believe God created the world or the universe is the result of the Big Bang, ask questions here about the creation of the beautiful and wondrous earth we live on.

500 Questions

What did the episcopalians come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Episcopal Church in the United States evolved from the Church of England after the American Revolution. It retains its roots in Anglicanism but operates independently with its own governance structure.

How does the Biblical creation story differ from Igorot creation stories?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Biblical creation story is based on the belief in a single all-powerful God creating the world in six days. In contrast, Igorot creation stories involve multiple gods and spirits responsible for creating the world, often involving the active participation of humans, animals, and nature in the process. while being rooted in their cultural and spiritual beliefs.

Why is the Hindu creation story so important?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Hindu creation story, as outlined in texts like the Rigveda and Puranas, provides a foundation for understanding the origin of the universe, life, and humanity according to Hindu beliefs. It serves as a mythological and symbolic explanation of spiritual concepts like karma, dharma, and reincarnation. Additionally, the creation story reinforces the interconnectedness of all beings and the cyclical nature of existence in Hindu philosophy.

What is the difference between the Priestly version of the creation story and the Yahwist version?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Priestly version of the creation story in Genesis emphasizes order and structure, with a focus on God as a transcendent, all-powerful creator. In contrast, the Yahwist version portrays a more personal and anthropomorphic God, with a narrative style that is more vivid and detailed. The Yahwist version also highlights themes of human relationships and interactions with God.

What is a Hindu creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Hinduism, the creation story is described in the Rigveda, one of the oldest texts. According to this story, the universe originated from the cosmic egg, and the god Prajapati is seen as the creator of the world. The creation is cyclic, with periods of creation, preservation, and destruction.

What is the creation story about Hinduism?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Hinduism, the creation story is explained through the concept of Brahman, the ultimate reality, transforming into the universe through the process of cyclical creation and destruction. This creation is symbolized by the god Brahma creating the universe, Vishnu preserving it, and Shiva ultimately destroying it to start the cycle anew. This cyclical process is known as samsara.

What things make up a religion?

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Asked by Wiki User

Religions typically consist of beliefs in a higher power or spiritual force, practices such as rituals and prayers, a moral code or guidelines for behavior, and a sense of community or belonging among followers. Additionally, religious texts, teachings, and leaders are often central components of a religion.

What are the differences between the catholic creation story and the Islamic creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Catholic creation story, based on the Book of Genesis, depicts God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh day. In contrast, the Islamic creation story, outlined in the Quran, emphasizes that Allah created the universe in six days as well but doesn't specify that He rested on the seventh day. Additionally, there are differing details in terms of the creation of Adam and Eve and their roles in each tradition's story.

What is the difference between the Christian creation story and the Hindu creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Christian creation story, as told in the Bible, describes God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh day. In contrast, the Hindu creation story involves various cycles of creation, preservation, and destruction, with multiple deities involved in the process. Hindu cosmology also includes the concept of reincarnation and karma influencing the cycle of rebirth.

Why do religions have creation stories?

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Asked by Wiki User

Religions have creation stories to explain the origins of the world and humanity. These stories provide a foundational narrative for believers to understand their place in the universe and the relationship between themselves and the divine. Creation stories often serve to reinforce religious beliefs, values, and practices.

Is creationism taught in Idaho schools?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Idaho, public schools teach evolution as part of the state science standards. Creationism or intelligent design is not part of the official curriculum in public schools as they are considered religious beliefs rather than scientific theories.

What are the two religions which share the same creation story?

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Christianity and Judaism share a similar creation story as both religions believe in the creation account found in the Book of Genesis in the Bible's Old Testament.

Do Jehovah witness have a creation story?

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Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses believe in the creation account described in the Bible, particularly in the first chapters of the Book of Genesis. They interpret the creation story as a literal account of how God created the universe, including the earth and all living beings in six 24-hour days. This creation story is foundational to their beliefs about the origins of humanity and the natural world.

How do we know the myths told about the creation of the creation of the Incas?

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Asked by Wiki User

The myths about the creation of the Incas were primarily passed down through oral tradition by storytellers and priests. Spanish chroniclers like Garcilaso de la Vega also documented these myths post-conquest. Archaeological evidence, such as artifacts and temples, also provide insights into Inca beliefs and practices.

What are the differences and similarities between the Hindu creation story and the christian creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both Hindu and Christian creation stories involve the concept of a supreme being creating the universe. One key difference is that in Hinduism, creation is cyclical and occurs in repeated cycles called yugas, while Christianity teaches a linear progression of creation leading to the end times. Additionally, Hinduism includes multiple deities involved in creation, while Christianity emphasizes the monotheistic idea of one God as the creator.

What is muslims creation story?

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In Islam, the creation story involves Allah creating the universe and all living things, including humans. The story is detailed in the Quran and follows a similar narrative to other Abrahamic religions, with the belief that Allah created Adam and Eve as the first humans.

What are similarities and differences between the Judeo-Christian creation story and the Islamic creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both stories emphasize the belief in a single, all-powerful deity who created the universe and humanity. The main difference lies in the specific details and interpretations, such as the number of days of creation and the role of Adam and Eve in each tradition. Additionally, Islam incorporates elements of the Quranic account of creation, which differs in some respects from the Judeo-Christian accounts found in the Bible.

Why is the religious creation story unique?

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The religious creation story is unique because it often serves as a foundational belief system for a particular faith, explaining the origins of the universe, life, and humanity through a spiritual or divine lens. These stories are often deeply rooted in cultural and historical contexts, shaping the beliefs and practices of followers.

How do religious believers respond to scientific explanations of the world?

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Some religious believers may accept scientific explanations as complementary to their faith, seeing them as ways to better understand the world created by their deity. Others may reject or question scientific explanations that conflict with their religious teachings, choosing to interpret them in ways that support their faith. Ultimately, responses vary among individuals and can depend on specific beliefs, interpretations, and understandings of both science and religion.

What is spiritual creationism?

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Asked by Spiritualcreationism

Spiritual creationism is the belief that a divine being or force created the universe and all living beings. It typically involves the idea that this creation is purposeful and imbued with spiritual significance, over purely materialistic explanations. This concept is often associated with religious beliefs.

Why is the creation story so similar in different religions?

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Asked by Wiki User

The similarities in creation stories among different religions may be attributed to common human themes and experiences, as well as cultural diffusion and interaction. These stories often serve to explain the origin of the universe and humanity, and they may have evolved independently or been influenced by shared cultural exchange. Additionally, many creation stories seek to provide a framework for understanding the world and our place in it, leading to recurring motifs across different belief systems.

Which event best represents the Loss of Innocence Creation-story archetype?

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An event that best represents the Loss of Innocence Creation-story archetype is Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. This act symbolizes their transition from a state of innocence to one of knowledge and self-awareness, resulting in their expulsion from paradise. It is a common motif in creation myths that illustrates the consequences of seeking knowledge and disobeying divine commands.

Why would a catholic disagree with a Atheist view on the creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Catholic may disagree with an atheist view on the creation story because for Catholics, the creation story in the Bible is considered sacred and divinely inspired. They believe in the theological truths presented in the story, such as the existence of God as the creator of the universe. Atheists, on the other hand, do not believe in a god or a divine being, so they would not accept the religious explanations provided in the creation story.

What is the tribal religion creation story?

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Asked by Jodiemayhew

Each tribal religion has its own creation story that explains how the world and its inhabitants came to be. These stories often involve supernatural beings, spirits, or gods shaping the world through their actions and decisions. The specifics of these creation stories can vary widely between different tribal groups.

Does the creation story affect us today?

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Asked by Wiki User

The creation story can influence people's beliefs, values, and perspectives on life, purpose, and existence. It can provide a foundation for cultural and religious beliefs, shape how individuals view their relationship with the natural world, and impact ethical considerations regarding environmental stewardship and human responsibility. Ultimately, the creation story continues to hold significance in various aspects of human life and thought today.