


Whether you believe God created the world or the universe is the result of the Big Bang, ask questions here about the creation of the beautiful and wondrous earth we live on.

500 Questions

How do Filipinos believe in creation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many Filipinos believe in creation through a mix of indigenous animistic beliefs and Catholicism introduced by Spanish colonizers. This often involves beliefs in a supreme god and spirits that inhabit the natural world, along with Christian teachings on the creation of the universe. Creation stories may vary among different indigenous groups in the Philippines.

What are the lessons of the creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

The creation story teaches us about the power of divine creation, the importance of order and balance in the world, and the special relationship between humans and the natural world. It also emphasizes the idea of stewardship and responsibility for taking care of the Earth.

What is the conflict of the creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main conflict in many creation stories is the struggle between chaos and order or between different deities or forces as they create or shape the world. This conflict often results in the establishment of a new, harmonious order or balance.

Why do the Japanese believe what they believe about their creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Japanese creation story is deeply rooted in their Shinto religious beliefs, which emphasize the idea of kami, or sacred spirits, who exist in nature and various elements. This belief system has been passed down through generations and shapes their cultural understanding of the origins of the world and humanity. Additionally, the Japanese creation story helps maintain a sense of cultural identity and connection to their ancestral heritage.

What does the story of creation tell us about man?

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Asked by Wiki User

The story of creation depicts man as a special and beloved creation of God, made in His image and given dominion over all other creatures on earth. It emphasizes man's responsibility to care for and steward the earth, as well as the importance of relationships with God and fellow humans.

What is moral of the creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

The moral of the creation story varies depending on the culture or religious tradition it comes from. However, common themes often include the idea of order emerging from chaos, the importance of respect for nature, and the belief in a higher power or creator being responsible for the existence of the world.

What is the moral lesson from the story of creation?

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Asked by Wiki User

One moral lesson from the story of creation is the importance of respect and stewardship towards the earth and all living creatures. It teaches us to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world around us and to care for it as a sacred gift. Additionally, it emphasizes the significance of order, balance, and harmony in the universe.

Why don't Buddhists have a creation story?

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Asked by Wiki User

Buddhists focus on the teachings of the Buddha rather than on a creation story because the emphasis is on understanding and alleviating suffering in the present moment rather than on the origins of the universe. The concept of rebirth and dependent origination are more central to Buddhist beliefs than a traditional creation story.

What are C.S. Lewis' views on evolution and creationism?

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Asked by Wiki User

C.S. Lewis reconciled evolution with his Christian beliefs by viewing it as a scientific theory explaining the process of creation, not conflicting with the idea of God as the ultimate Creator. He saw no theological conflict between evolution and creationism, believing both could coexist in harmony as different aspects of understanding the world. Lewis emphasized the importance of recognizing the limits of scientific knowledge and the value of faith in interpreting the mysteries of life.

What is mental creationism?

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Mental creationism is the belief that thoughts and intentions can influence and shape reality. It suggests that our mental state and the energy we emit through our thoughts can have a direct impact on the physical world around us.

What are the other answers on why God created man?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some other reasons that are offered for why God created man include: to have a relationship with his creation, to reflect his image and glory, and to fulfill a divine plan or purpose. Each perspective offers insight into the potential motivations behind God's creation of humanity.

What is the Japanese myth for the creation of man?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Japanese mythology, the god Izanagi and goddess Izanami created the Japanese islands and various deities. They also gave birth to numerous kami (gods and spirits), including the terrestrial gods who were responsible for shaping and creating the human world and beings. This creation myth highlights the divine origins and connections of human existence in Japanese culture.

Will someone write an essay on creationism vs evolution for you?

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Asked by Vballcutie31

I can provide a brief overview of creationism vs evolution. Creationism is a belief that a higher power, usually a deity, created the universe and all living organisms, as described in religious texts. Evolution, on the other hand, is a scientific theory that explains the diversity of life on Earth through processes such as natural selection and genetic variation. The two viewpoints are often seen as conflicting in explaining the origin and development of life.

What does the creation story teach us about stewardship?

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Asked by Wiki User

The creation story teaches us that humans were given the responsibility to take care of the Earth and all its creatures, showing us the importance of stewardship. It highlights our role as caretakers of the environment, emphasizing the need to act responsibly in the preservation and protection of our planet for future generations.

What does humanists think about creation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Humanists typically believe in evolution as the scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth. They may view creation accounts in religious texts as symbolic or mythological rather than literal interpretations of how the world and living beings came into existence. Humanists often prioritize evidence-based knowledge and critical thinking in understanding the origins of life.

What was the moral in the Norse creation myth?

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Asked by Wiki User

One moral in the Norse creation myth is the cyclical nature of life and creation, as seen in the continual cycle of destruction and rebirth. It also emphasizes the importance of balance and order in the universe, as well as the idea that creation is an ongoing process that requires constant effort and sacrifice.

What is the point of the six days of creation story in genesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

The six days of creation story in Genesis serves to illustrate the power and creativity of God in bringing forth the world and all living things. It establishes the order and purpose of creation and emphasizes the importance of rest on the seventh day, known as the Sabbath. It also sets the foundation for understanding humanity's role as stewards of God's creation.

Why are creation myths important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Creation myths are important as they provide cultural and spiritual explanations for the origins of the world, humanity, and natural phenomena. They help to define a society's beliefs, values, and identity, and offer insights into how ancient cultures understood their place in the universe. Additionally, creation myths often serve as a foundation for religious and moral teachings within a community.

What does moral conduct mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Moral conduct refers to behavior and actions that are consistent with ethical principles, values, and beliefs. It involves making choices that are considered right or good based on standards of right and wrong.

What is the lesson of the creation story from Luzon?

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Asked by Wiki User

The creation story from Luzon teaches about the origin of the world and humanity, often involving deities and supernatural beings. It typically emphasizes themes such as the interconnectedness of all living beings, respect for nature, and the importance of balance and harmony in the world.

The moral lesson of the creation story from luzon?

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Asked by Wiki User

The creation story from Luzon typically teaches respect for nature, harmony with the environment, and the importance of stewardship over the earth. It often emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and the need to maintain balance and reciprocity in the relationship between humans and the natural world.

What are the vocal forms of luzon lawlands?

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Asked by Wiki User

The vocal forms of the Luzon lowlands in the Philippines include various indigenous languages such as Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilocano, and Bicolano. These languages are typically spoken by the local communities in the region and have their own distinct vocal forms and variations.

Should children be able to choose if they want to learn about evolution or creationism?

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Asked by Wiki User

In an educational setting, it is important for children to learn about scientific theories such as evolution, which is backed by evidence and widely accepted in the scientific community. They can also learn about creationism as a belief system outside of the science curriculum. Ultimately, it is up to parents and educators to provide a well-rounded education that includes a variety of perspectives.

What is the best description of evolutionism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Evolutionism is the belief that all species of organisms develop through natural selection and adaptation over time. It is a scientific theory that explains how life on Earth has diversified and changed through processes like genetic mutation and environmental pressure.

What does moral conduct consist of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Moral conduct typically involves behaving in ways that align with principles of right and wrong, based on established ethical standards or values. This can include honesty, fairness, respect for others, and consideration of the consequences of one's actions on others. Ultimately, moral conduct is about acting in a way that upholds ethical norms and promotes the well-being of individuals and society.