


Gay Lesbian and Bisexual

This covers all lesbian, gay and bisexual issues, from dealing with sexuality to coming out to detecting homosexuality in others. Please do not post questions regarding specific people.

500 Questions

Why do Gay people have different voices?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no direct scientific link between sexual orientation and voice pitch or quality. Differences in voice may be influenced by factors like genetics, hormones, and personal vocal habits rather than sexual orientation. Each person's voice is unique and can vary regardless of their sexual orientation.

Meaning of gay as a maple?

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Asked by Wiki User

Erm, the expression is "Gay as a May-pole" and I suppose the saying came about in an older time, when gay meant happy or jolly or bright. A may-pole is a long white post sometimes with flowers and decorations on it, and many coloured and white ribbons on it. These ribbons are used to dance with, by maypole dancers (Now, I wonder who came up with that inventive name!?)

I don't know for sure about the origins of the term, but I do know that now it is used to refer something a lot different than a pretty May-celebration thing.

What are the risks of having gay teachers?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are no inherent risks associated with having gay teachers. Sexual orientation does not impact a person's ability to teach effectively. Discrimination or prejudice against gay teachers, however, can create a hostile work environment and impact their well-being.

Why do gay guys lisp?

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The perception that gay men have a lisp is a stereotype and not true for all individuals. Lisps can occur in anyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, as it is a speech impediment that results from a variety of factors, such as muscle coordination, tongue placement, or other oral mechanics. It is important to avoid generalizing and stereotyping individuals based on their perceived sexual orientation.

What is gay lingo?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gay lingo refers to a set of vocabulary and linguistic features used predominantly within the LGBTQ+ community. It can encompass slang terms, expressions, and unique ways of speaking that serve to create a sense of belonging and foster communication among LGBTQ+ individuals. It often evolves as a way for the community to express its identity and create connections with one another.

When did the word homosexual first appear?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "homosexual" first appeared in the late 19th century, around the 1890s. It was coined by Karl-Maria Kertbeny, a Hungarian journalist and human rights campaigner, to describe same-sex attraction.

Why do gay guys have a squeaky voice?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is a stereotype that gay men have a "squeaky" or effeminate voice, but this is not true for everyone. Voice pitch is determined by various factors including genetics, hormones, and environmental influences, not sexual orientation. It's important to understand that vocal characteristics do not define a person's sexual orientation.

Why do gay men have high voices?

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Asked by Elskie14

The pitch of someone's voice is not determined by their sexual orientation. Voice pitch can be influenced by genetics, hormonal factors, and individual anatomy. Gay men may have a range of voice pitches, just like individuals of any other sexual orientation.

Why do gay men sound different?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you speaking of the stereotypical "lisp" used in jokes/representations about homosexual men, most gay men do not actually have a lisp while many heterosexual men have a lisp due to speech problems. There are no studies which tie the vocal sound to a person's sexual orientation.

Why do gay people talk like that?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no specific way that gay people talk. Speech patterns are influenced by a variety of factors, including geography, culture, and individual personality. It's important to avoid making assumptions about someone's sexual orientation based on how they speak.

What is the bad word for saying gay to girls?

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Asked by Wiki User

Referring to girls as "dyke" or "lesbian" in a derogatory manner is offensive and disrespectful. It is important to use language that is inclusive, kind, and respectful towards others regardless of their sexual orientation.

Are gay people born with a lisp?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, there is no direct correlation between being gay and having a lisp. Lisps can be present in any individual, regardless of their sexual orientation, and are usually caused by factors such as genetics, speech development, or oral muscle coordination.

Was grandpa Walton will geer gay?

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Yes, Will Geer, who played Grandpa Walton on the TV show "The Waltons," was gay. He was openly gay and was an activist for LGBTQ+ rights.

Do men become bi as they get older?

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Sexual orientation is typically considered to be stable over time, but some individuals may question or explore their sexual identity at any age. It is not necessarily a result of getting older specifically. Sexual orientation is a complex aspect of human identity and can vary greatly from person to person.

Is germaine greer a lesbian-?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Germaine Greer has identified as a lesbian. She is an Australian feminist writer and academic known for her works on women's rights and gender issues.

Do girls lick other girls anus?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm here to provide helpful and appropriate information. It's important to remember that every individual's boundaries and preferences are unique, and what consenting adults choose to do in their private lives is their personal decision.

Are women in their sixties sexually active?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some women in their sixties are sexually active, while others are not. Sexual activity in this age group can vary based on factors such as health, relationship status, and personal preferences. It's essential to remember that sexual activity is a personal choice and can differ greatly among individuals.

Once your lesbian will you still be lesbian when your in you eighties?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sexual orientation does not change with age. If you identify as lesbian now, you would still be lesbian in your eighties. Your sexual orientation is a core part of who you are and remains constant throughout your life.

What does gay mean in latin?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no Latin word "gay".

The English word "gay" is "hilaris" in Latin, although this is likely to refer to the old-fashioned meaning of "gay" as happy, as opposed to homosexual.

What is the slang word for gay?

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One common slang word for gay is "queer." It is important to note that the use of slang terms can be offensive to some individuals, so it's best to use respectful and inclusive language.

How do you solve grandpa's challenge?

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Asked by Wiki User

To solve Grandpa's challenge, pay attention to the clues provided and think outside the box. Try approaching the problem from different angles and consider all possible solutions before making a final decision. It may require a combination of logic, creativity, and persistence to succeed.

Where did lesbian come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term "lesbian" is derived from the Greek island of Lesbos, the birthplace of the poet Sappho, who wrote about love and desire between women. Over time, the word came to be used to describe women who are attracted to other women.

Why do older gay men want younger gay men as a partner?

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Some older gay men may be attracted to younger partners due to physical appearance, energy, or a sense of vitality associated with youth. However, individual preferences and reasons for seeking younger partners can vary and may not be the same for everyone. It's important to recognize that not all older gay men are exclusively interested in younger partners.

What are gay men over 30 called?

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Asked by Wiki User

There isn't a specific term for gay men over 30 other than just referring to them as gay men. It's important to use respectful language and not label individuals based on age or sexual orientation.

Why do some gay men talk effeminately?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some gay men naturally have more effeminate speech patterns, just as some straight men do. It's important to remember that speech patterns and mannerisms are not indicators of sexual orientation. Gender expression is diverse and personal, and there is no one way that all gay men speak or present themselves.