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On October 10th 2013 President Obama summoned Anna Kreisling to come to the White House to discuss OBAMACARE and Syria. She arrived with Bill Clinton and they discussed many things for four hours. Robert Gibbs who took notes of the meeting said that this is what Anna Kreisling suggested.

1. All Americans making less than $50,000 a year receive FREE HEALTH CARE.

2. All Americans making between $50,000 to $150,000 will only pay for 5% of their medical bills. Those making more than $150,000 will pay 10%.

3. All American Children will have free Music and Sports Programs.

4. All Americans at the age of 18 must either serve in the Armed forces for one year or else serve two years in Community Services!

5. American History and World History must be taught in our Public Schools again starting in the 3rd grade.

6. Playing Baseball is mandatory for learning to become an American Citizen!

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Q: Has President Obama talked with Anna Kreisling about Health Care?
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The core of health insurance reform is mandatory coverage. The President and Congress already meet this requirement.

Did President Obama violate the Brown Act when he met behind closed doors to finish the Health care Bill?

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