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Q: How big do turtles get before they have babies?
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Why do snapping turtles they have babies?

Why do snapipng turtles have babies? well, they have babies to multiply so they're not extinct.

Do mother box turtles return to the nest after laying her eggs?

No, she cares less about the babies. She will even eat them when they hatch. That is why we separate baby turtles from adult turtles...even before they are born.

How old before a guinea big can have babies?

before 5 moths old

Why are turtles appearing everywhere?

That travel through the ocean and turtles have babies

Will mother turtles harm their babies?

No Mother turtles have nothing to do with their baby's.

If I have a male and a female slider turtle do I need to be concerned that they will have babies?

Red-eared slider turtles usually can only breed successfully if they have hibernated before, and turtles kept in tanks rarely hibernate. There is a miniscual chance your turtles will breed if they have not hibernated.

What month do turtles have their babies in?

it depends on when it mates.

How do female turtles have babies?

They lay eggs.

How many babies do green sea turtles have?

Green sea turtles have approximately 110-115 babies, although only a few survive into adult hood!

What do sea turtles smell like?

Sea turtles smell like Love Spell and babies

Are turtles canibals?

Yes , they will eat their own babies.

Why do turtles like to falcon punch babies?

they are gay