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it came to an end at about 1532 because the Spanish conquistadors under Francisco Pizarro invaded the Inca empire and killed the Inca ruler Atahualpa. The Spanish also brought diseases, causing the Inca civilization to decline and eventually be absorbed into Spanish culture. Spain gained riches from the Inca gold and silver.

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12y ago

they ended because they had a sickness called small pox (me also answer by stupid 10 year old yeah)

That is one possibility, but there are many other reasons. Some include overconfidence, thinking that Pizzaro was a god, horses, weapons & armor, and many others.

Not much is known about the early history of the Incas. Sometime around 1100 AD they founded a city called Cuzco in the fertile lowland valley and began to dominate other kingdoms nearby. The mighty empire of the Incas collapsed abruptly in 1532 with the arrival of a small band of Spanish conquerors led by Pizarro. Well the incas were in the early 15 and they were not in a kingdom they were in a village and they did not have an empore but they did live near by Cuzco so your a little right but not that mutch and they did not live in 1532 they lived in 1509 - 1526 not 1532

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15y ago

aroud 1532 a.d

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Q: How did the Inca empire come to an end?
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