

How did the Aztecs usually prepare their corn for meals?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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9y ago

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Before maize could be processed into nutritionally sound foods, the kernels needed to be shorn from the cob and soaked in an alkaline solution of water, limestone, and a source of calcium hydrochloride called nixtamal. To make tortillas, Aztec women ground the kernels into a flour on a metlatl, or metate (grinding stone), and shaped the dough into flat, thin circular pieces of bread. These tortillas were then cooked on a comalli, or comal (clay griddle) and served fresh or stored for later meals. The presence of the tortilla in several rituals testifies to its significance within Aztec culture. Durán recounts that unmarried girls dedicated to the temple carried offerings of tortillas in ceremonial bowls to the temple at dawn. He also describes a custom during the feast of Tlacaxipehualiztli consisting of people wearing twisted honey tortillas and dancing all day. Sahagún recounts that a tortilla replaced the sacrificial blade in simulation sacrifices. He also witnessed dancing priests wearing S-shaped tortillas. Even in superstition, the tortilla played a role; if a woman's tortilla folded on itself on the comalli, she would say that a visitor coming to see her had kicked it over to signal her arrival. The tortilla provided more than just physical sustenance. A more ancient maize-based creation was the tamalli. A grainy dough, shaped into balls, formed the body of the tamale, which could also be formed into pointed, rolled, and adobe shapes. Stuffed with beans-second only to maize in the Aztec diet and served at every meal-or chilies, the dough was then wrapped in maize leaves and steamed in a large clay pot. Variations of the tamale included fillings of amaranth seeds, maize flowers, honey, beeswax, turkey eggs, and cherries. Both the tortilla and the tamale, in different variations, are still eaten today. Like the tortilla, the tamale also played a significant cultural role in Aztec communities, and Aztec residents acknowledged its importance in the feast of Atamalcualiztli (Eating of Water Tamales). Every eight years, in this seven-day observance, Aztecs ate plain tamales steamed in water; lime, ash, flavoring, chilies, and peppers were not included in the recipe. This pure method of cooking the tamales ritually allowed the maize a moment of freedom from the tortures of being worked and seasoned. Women also ground maize kernels to make pinole, or gruel, in a variety of recipes-gruel with honey, with honey and chilies, and with honey, fish, and amaranth seeds.

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14y ago
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15y ago

by placing the food on a large hardened clay disk held up by three big stones over a fire.

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11y ago

They would rub Iguana urine on their corn, MASH it up and have potato soup.

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13y ago

The corn was usually prepared with a little of squash grown on their fields and salt with algae found in the lake.

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13y ago

by cooking there dick and over heating it all night long and then they friend it and your mother ate it for dersert

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9y ago

The Aztecs would usually prepare their corn by mixing a little bit of squash with salt and a little bit of algae.

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