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In California all that is required if you are able to get bail and either fight your case from outside or just pay the fine and disappear.State/County's do their own from that of FEDS.

I don't know the "usual" but I saw someone I presume was illegal get prosecuted for hit and run. He only went 1/2 a block to legally park his car. The prosecution said he should have parked at the 7/11 on the corner of the intersection where it happened. The Judge found him NOT GUILTY. (It was a bench trial - no jury)

It is very unfair but true, if you are an illegal and are involved in an accident the only thing the courts could do is try to make you pay the fine. but if you are illegal, in reality you do not exsist, so you really dont have to pay anything, That why it is so important to get illegals drivers lisence and make them carry insurance

>>>>No differently than they would treat a US citizen!!! Driving without a license is a "wobbler", which means that it can be either a misdemeanor or infraction, so that means that the Immigration will most likely not pursue these cases. Moreso, most vehicular crimes have no immigration repurcussions, including DUI's. I would assume that an illegal immigrant would be more inclined to pay for the damages a lot quicker than a US citizen to avoid any immigration consequences of having an unresolved criminal record.

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Q: How do California courts usually treat an accident involving an unlicensed illegal immigrant driver?
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Yes. DUI is considered a serious offense in EVERY state.

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no sir