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Well your water will brake so there will be a puddle bellow and you will get contraptions.Ask your GP for more advise


You will begin to have contractions. At first they will be mild and far apart, but they will gradually become closer together. Your water will not necessarily break, at least not right away. The contraction can feel like anything from a light flutter to a cramp. You will know what it is when you feel it.

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13y ago

"Contraction" by definition means a pulling, closing or tightening. So, when you feel that in your abdomen, that's when it's happening. If you don't know if you're having one or not, then you probably aren't having one.

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13y ago

The best way to know you are in labor is intensity in duration, length of time between. Best thing to do is to keep yourself busy at home, when you get to a point where you cannot complete a task because they are so painful or they are consistently about 4-5 minutes apart lasting about 45 seconds long for a while and becoming harder and harder to deal with. Then that's a good sign. Your bag of water may or may not break during this time, in fact it may not break until you are 9 cm dilated. But if it does, call your Dr. or midwife and get instructions from there.

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13y ago

You will feel contractions (like your body is squeezing in and out) and you will have bad pains in your abdomen. you will have slight pains and pressure in your back and your water might break. It hurts like hell!!!!

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8y ago

The only way to know is if your cervix is actually dilating.

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14y ago

your water breaks and you feel extreme contractions

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15y ago

Your water will break and you will start experiencing contractions.

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12y ago

Your water breaks and you start to feel contractions.

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Q: How do I know if I am having real labor contractions?
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At how many weeks can you start having false labor?

False labor, or Braxton-Hicks contractions usually occur in the 2 weeks prior to real labor, especially with the first childbirth.

If you are 38 weeks and have been having irregular contractions 30-45mins apart are you progressing into real labor?

Maybe.. wait and see if something pops out.

Does either braxton hicks or real contractions cause you to dialate or are they not related?

Sometimes they can lead to some cervical change (including dilation, softening of the cervix, etc.). This is why it's important to call your care provider if you are having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions before you reach "full term" (or 37 weeks). On the other hand, even if your Braxton Hicks contractions are dilating your cervix, they might still be helping to rotate your baby into an optimal position for labor or even toning your uterus in preparation for labor. So even the contractions that aren't "real labor" are still doing something!

Been having a lot of mild contractions 38 weeks pregnant is labor soon?

What you are experiencing is called Braxton-Hicks contractions. It is perfectly normal. It is the body's way of "practicing" for the real thing. As long as there is no constant pressure on the floor of the pelvis or discharge of blood or liquid, the mild contractions you are feeling is not a threat. Your baby will be born when he or she is ready. The B-H contractions do not mean labor will begin any sooner than is proper.

What are fake contractions called?

There are no "fake contractions," except when women pretend to be in labor. There is false labor, which is contractions (usually mild and irregular) which do not change the cervix. (Labor is defined as progressive change--dilation and effacement--of the cervix.) Braxton Hicks contractions are real contractions, but very irregular. They can occur any time after 32 weeks of pregnancy, and are usually no more than 2 to 3 an hour.

Can Braxton Hicks start real labor?

Braxton Hicks contractions can occur far before labor actually begins, though sometimes they might occur shortly before a woman goes into labor. The first "true" labor sensations can be anything from crampiness to "full blown" contractions to losing one's mucous plug to having bloody show to experiencing loose stool or to feeling one's water break.

When do you go to the hospital when having pregnancy contractions?

normally is 5 mins, but you can go eairler depending on what your doctor says and if your water has broke, also it depends on how far you are Dilated.

If you had true labor contractions last night and they stopped will they be back soon?

True labor will not usually stop. Labor that stops is, by definition, false labor. False labor is common, especially in a second or third (or fourth, etc.) pregnancy. These contractions, however, are useful in that they help prepare the cervix for labor by softening it, thinning it out, and dilating it. First time moms often begin labor with a long, closed and thick cervix; women who've had a baby before will usually have a softened, somewhat dilated cervix when they start. It's hard to predict when any woman will go into labor. Contractions may be off and on for days before real labor begins. Eat, stay hydrated, and get as much rest as you can until it does.

If you had such strong braxton hicks contractions last night that you thought it was the real thing does that mean real labor is close?

No, braxton hicks just help your uterus prepare but it does not mean you are close to delivery trust me I have been there too sweetie.

Is contraction normal in an ongoing 7 months pregnant woman?

She would only get contractions if she was going into labour early. She might experience Braxton Hicks contractions which are the body's way of preparing for labour. They are not real contractions but many people mistake them for real contractions and think they are going into labour. If they get worse and worse and begin coming regularly, it is important to go to the hospital straightaway

How To Identify Signs Of Pregnancy Labor?

Every woman is different throughout their pregnancies, as well as the symptoms they may have when they start going through labor. There is false labor and true labor that can happen. False labor is when a woman starts having signs of real labor, but those signs do not stay consistent. True labor means that a woman will have signs of labor that will become more frequent and get stronger. When the labor signs do not go away, a woman will know that it is time for her to have a baby. Pre-Labor Signs To Look For Before labor actually begins, there are a series of signs that a woman should look for. She may notice that her lower back, or abdomen, will start to have cramp like pains. These pains may not be consistent at first, and they will come and go at different times. This can happen for several weeks to get her body prepared for labor. These contractions, that are not consistent, are known as braxton hicks. Another sign, that labor is getting ready to begin, is when a woman passes the mucus plug. The mucus plug is usually thick and brown in color. It can even have a dark red or blood-like color. The mucus plug is also known as a bloody show. When this happens, labor could happen right away or within the next few days. This is a great indicator that labor has really started to take it's course. A woman may also have disrupted sleep, major mood swings, and loose bowels or a upset stomach as signs for labor. Time To Call The Doctor Woman don't always know the best time to call the doctor to advise of labor. There are a few signs that are huge factors that labor is happening. One sign is when a woman starts having painful contractions that are consistent. These contractions should be timed to see how far apart they are. As they become stronger and closer together in time, the woman needs to contact their doctor or hospital right away to inform them. Also, a woman may have their water break. When this happens, they will need to get to the hospital right away and contact their doctor immediately. They will know their water broke because it will come out in a huge gush and will continue to trickle. This can be often confused with urine. Urine will not continue to trickle out like the amniotic fluid will.

How soon can you be having braxton hicks contractions?

your uterus actually contracts starting arounf 8 weeks. but you dont feel them til later on. With my experience with my twin pregnancy, i started really feeling them around 20 weeks. And now at almost 29 weeks, theyre pretty intense!