

How do cats live a healthy live?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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All cats are different. For cats to live a healthy life, they must be active. Play with your cat, and if your cat just naturally hates normal pawing yarn and that try feathers. My cat is 15 and still loves to play with feathers, they remind cats of birds.

Food wise, never give to little food, or too much food. Some food bags and cans tell how much to give to the cat, but every cat needs its own amount of food suited for him or her. Be sure to feed high quality food that has lots of named meat (Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lamb, etc.) and free of ingredients such as corn, cereals, wheat and soy as these ingredients can potentially harm your cat if fed every day.

Many cats prefer being fed at the same time, and to keep your cat at a healthy weight, feed your cat at set times during the day and don't free feed.

For cats to live a healthy life just make sure they are cared for, loved for, and make sure they eat and drink enough.

Another important thing is neuter and spay your cat, are up to date with going to the vet.

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