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It's not groups that are the key bit of evidence for common descent, but nested hierarchies.

In all lifeforms known to humankind, be it extant or extinct, the totality of similarities and differences forms a pattern of nested hierarchies - sets within sets within sets, each set having all the defining characteristics of the superset in addition to unique defining characteristics for itself and its subsets.

There is only one testable explanation for such a pattern: common descent.

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Q: How do groups support the theory of evolution?
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In every way.

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Fossils are not used to oppose the theory of evolution. They acutually support it in every way. So far not one fossil has been found that is not exactly where you would expect it to be if evolution were true. As we dig deeper we go further back in time and see by piecing fossils together how organisms evolved over time. Although we don't need fossils to support the fact that evolution is happening, it's a nice bonus to have in support of the theory.

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'Comparative religion' is merely the comparison of differences and similarities between two or more religions or sects. It has nothing to do with evolution (a scientific principle) and support from religions is irrelevant to science. Most religious groups recognise that the scientific community has validated evolution, and accept these findings as correct, while some do not. Recognition of evlution's validation is one criteria to compare religions with.

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I am a geologist and I know of no theory of "geologic evolution". "Evolution" as defined by Darwin describes the origin of species based on the survival of the fittest. This certainly can not be applied to geological processes, although life is integral to geology.