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Get a small piece of plastic pipe and aim it towards your eels hide. Drop the food through it to the eels. They will be more alert at night which is a good time to feed them.

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Q: How do you feed a saltwater tank with an eel will it bite you?
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How do I siphon in a saltwater tank with an aggressive eel Will it bite me?

to siphon you wont need to put your hands in.

Where does an eel live?

freshwater and saltwater

Is an eel saltwater or freshwater?


What is the Japanese word for eel?

Unagi (うなぎ) is freshwater eel. Anago (穴子, or アナゴ) is saltwater eel.

Do eels swim in freshwater and saltwater?

Depending on the type of eel, yes.

What kind of fresh water eels can you get for a fish tank?

Freshwater eels come in a few varieties such as the peacock eel, tiretrack eel, fire eel, etc. There is also what is called a freshwater moray, though I believe this eel to be mainly brackish and not truly fresh. Freshwater eels also include a species called the Polypterus, which include the Bicher which is commonly called the Dinosaur Eel. Freshwater eels are usually smaller and less aggressive than their saltwater brethren and generally spend alot of time buried into the substrate. There are eels from different locals offering choices to better suit the other tank occupants.

What can i put in with a snowflake eel?

There are no guarantees--general characteristics may not fit any specific animal--but the snowflake eel (Echidna nebulosa) is one of the best moray eels for a saltwater community or reef tank. Very small fish might be in danger but the greatest risk is to small crustaceans, particularly shrimp.

Could a peacock eel survive in my tank I have a 25 gallon tan?

Yes it can but its either the only fish in the tank or with smaller fishes than the eel.

Is eel dangerous to humans?

Some species of eels have been known to have a nasty bite, but they will usually only attack when they are feeling threatened or their home is being disturbed. They have also been know to accidentally bite the hands of divers who hand feed them. Eels do not see humans as a food source. Eels will not intentionally attack a human. Once an eel reaches the juvenile stage (elver), it would be capable of biting.

Is a barracuda bite worse than a moray eel bite?

i dont think so because a moray has a bite as strong as a hyena and they have stronger bite force than barracudas

How powered sugar is made?

Pour it in a tank with an electric eel

What aquatic animal has to have a cave in their tank?

A snowflake moray eel