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The judgment of the court will include the opinions of the judges, who supported it and who dissented.

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Q: How do you find out if a single judge on the panel that has heard appeal dissented?
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the judge

Why are appeals heard by higher courts?

Appeals are heard further up the court system to act on any mistakes that could have been made by the below-ranking court. You will find that in the legal system; as each appeal is made, the case will be heard by a judge with more superiority.

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An appeal.

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You would need to file an appeal from the judge's decision.

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The first motion to appeal goes back to the judge who made the original decision.

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No. Trials in Federal District Court are heard by a single judge, and sometimes a jury.

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No. The DA cannot over-rule a judge. However, he CAN file a motion for re-consideration or, failing that, file an appeal of the judge's decision with the next higher court.

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You could appeal to a judge, but don't count on it.

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You can pay or appeal.

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Overturned by the judge (e.g.: a "runaway" jury) or, reversed on appeal to a higher court.

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No. Trials in Federal District Court are heard by a single judge, and sometimes a jury.