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If you and your parents have insurance, then you should be able to go to a dermatologist. However, keep in mind that they may also be concerned about money for the co-pay.

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Q: How do you get my parents care about my acne and get me some treatment?
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What are some acne treatment products?

Some acne treatment products, which should actually work, can be found at the Mayo Clinic, which has also a webpage. The company Neutrogena has also some acne treatment products.

Do acne lasers have side effects?

As with any treatment, there may be risks. Acne laser treatment can result in rough skin, swelling, and/or discoloration. This article describes some side effects and includes lots of other useful information about this procedure:

What are some great skin care tips for people with acne?

Keep it natural! No matter what treatment you use for acne, make sure everything else is as simple and natural as possible. This includes make-up, soap, moisturizer and anything else that may effect the balance of your skin and the effects of your acne treatment.

Is there a treatment to permanently eliminate acne?

No one-time treatment exists which will forever eliminate acne. Acne treatments need to be continued in order for them to maintain effectiveness. Some acne treatments can result in the complete prevention and elimination of pimples and blemishes, but acne can reoccur if treatment is discontinued. Success with any specific treatment depends on your acne's severity and your specific response to the treatment. Typical treatments range from salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide creams to more powerful antibiotics, retinoic acid, and as a final resort, Accutane. Speak with a dermatologist to determine an appropriate treatment plan.In the quest for quick, effective treatment of acne, many different methods have evolved. Acne treatment today can range from simple topical concoctions to prescription medications, expensive acupuncture sessions, laser treatments, and even surgery.There are some treatments that clear acne in one-time. Some of these treatments are Zenmed's Derma Cleanse Acne Systemwhich clears acne from inside outside and prevents its re-occurrence. Another treatment is Acne free in three days.

What is an example of an acne treatment product that is proven to work?

There are many different products that treat acne. Some are proven to work better than others. Proactive and Exposed Skin Care have both received great reviews and have been proven to work on different forms of acne.

What is involved with exposed acne treatment?

Some exposed acne treatments include laser or dermapeel treatments. These treatments should be performed by a dermatologist who can determine the best treatment for each patient.

What are some treatments for acne vulgaris?

Acne Vulgaris or more commonly known as Acne has a variety of treatment options. Some include an astringent which is used to deep clean skin as well as moisturizing face washes.

What are some facial creams for acne scar treatment?

Revitol, Mederma, and Scar FX are some facial creams for acne scar treatment. The best reviewed creams are Revitol and Mederma but Scar FX does not have a very good review.

How well does the Zeno acne treatment work?

Consumer reviews on sites such as Amazon,, Temptalia and Beauty Editor suggest that the Zeno Acne Treatment products work well on some forms of acne but it can take multiple applications to be effective and can be quite costly.

Is there an OTC acne treatment especially for cystic acne?

There is no over the counter acne treatment that is specific to cystic acne. If you decide to give OTC products a try you want to find products that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Some products may also have sulphur in them. It is best to see a dermatologist and get recommendations from them as cystic acne can be difficult to treat.

How long will it take for an adult acne treatment to work?

The time for adult acne treatment to work varies considerably from individual to individual. With mild acne some people will find the problem starts to clear after two or three days. With others the problem is never fully cured.

What are some sites that review acne treatment products?

Websites that offer acne treatment products include consumer reports, total beauty, and top consumer reviews. Customer Reviews of acne products can be found wherever they are sold, an example being Amazon.