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If you want to get rid of red bumps from shaving here is where to find out. INGREDIENTS: rubs for colds HOW TO: simply put the rub on the bumps and sleep with it overnight. It may have a stinging sensation at first but it will stop after a little bit.


buy hydrocortisone cream, its moisturizes the skin a great deal, its really helped with the bumps that i get from shaving. also try to avoid shaving against hair, shave downwards. good luck!

Mix Kosher salts (the larger grains) with vegetable, olive, grapeseed, or almond oil until the mixture looks like a slushy.

Apply this mixture to your legs and rub vigorously, then shave it off. Use this instead of shaving cream.

The exfoliation will open up your bumps, which are most likely ingrown hairs, and force the hydrating oil into your pores.

Follow with moisturizer and your legs will look better than ever!

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Q: How do you get rid of the red bumps on your ankles and legs after shaving?
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Do you always need shaving cream to shave your legs?

I think it would be best to always use the shaving cream to prevent getting the red bumps on your legs after you are through shaving Although! I started using like really cheap conditioner and it works very well. first of all it keeps my legs soft and smooth and i havent noticed getting any of the red bumps on my legs after shaving.

How do you prevent shaving irritation?

After shaving legs, armpits, bikini area, put hydrocortizone cream on, it works great, it prevents irritation and bumps...:D

What do you do when there are red bumps on your legs?

When u shave it gives u red bumps I get them all the time in the winter, cuz my legs are dry

What is a cream that gets rid of red bumps and irritation after shaving?

To prevent the red bumps from forming in the first place, make sure you use a good shaving cream, if you do not have shaving cream, hair conditioner or shampoo work just as well. Make sure when you shave, you let your [legs, pits, or face] soak in water for three minuetes for begining. Use a four-blade razor (men's razors work WAY better than womans') and don't add lots of presure. Hope this helps! Hugs & Fishes ><>*<><

Arms and legs have red bumps but hands have bumps that itch When scratched they raise and itch more?

This sounds like eczema (I have it).

Why do my arms and legs itch?

if your arms and legs itch, you might have mosquito bites or a rash. check for large red bumps or masses or small red bumps. If you have a dog or a cat, you might have ticks. Also, you might have an allergy you are not aware of. If you dont see any red bumps or you dont have a pet, you should see the doctor.

You got red bumps form shaving ym pubic hair?

It's called razor burn. It should go away in a few days, but I suggest that you refrain from shaving until it goes away. Next time, be gentler while shaving, and make sure to use shaving cream.

What is the medical term meaning razor bumps?

Its when you shave sometimes it leaves red bumps like pimples for a couple days!! Soap and Water is better than shaving cream!!

Why do you get painful red bumps from shaving your buttocks?

I assume the PRBs are on your buttocks and not some other part of your body, which would be a curious reaction. The bumps can be a form of folliculitis, an acne-like condition caused by irritation and inflammation of the hair follicles. Shaving with a dull razor can pull many hairs out instead of cutting them, which can cause the condition. In some cases, the bumps might be ingrown hairs, but that's unlikely, especially if your PRBs occur soon after shaving. When shaving your hairy butt, lubricate your cheeks well and use a new razor.

What would cause small red itchy bumps after being in lake water only up to the ankles?

Your skin could be irritated from the bacteria that's in the water.

What can you do if you get red bumps all over your legs every time you shave that are like pimples and they hurt and how do you stop that from happening?

use shaving creamAnsweruse a shaving cream for sensitive skin and a razor with moisture strips and use a good lotion afterwards hope this helps Good Luck and God Bless!!! OK use Neutrogena Razor Defense shave gel, and shave down ward, use antibacterial soap, if you get red bumps, use curel lotion, and gold bond medicated powder to heal...

What causes red bumps on body that look like bug bites?

If they are tiny red bumps This condition is caused by a bug called the sarcoptic mite. For more info You can look on wikipedia.