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You DON'T! Once he has moved on with someone else, you honor the respect for another person and consider him off limits! If he should become single and available again...then you could start emailing or corresponding to show him that you are not clingy as he once thought...convincing him of change. But of course, if you ARE clingy, then you need to accept that you are not the ideal mate for him if that is what he does not like! Step 1: Stop being so clingy. Your problem would then be solved with no Step 2 because then you would no longer be (A) stalking an EX (B) stalking a guy that lives too far away to support a relationship and (C) stalking a guy who has a girlfriend. I'm sorry if that was a bit harsh, but I think the best thing for you is to get hit over the head with a wakeup call on just how extreme your question was. Dealing with a clingy issue in a relationship *OR* wanting an ex back *OR* pursuing a long distance relationship *OR* wanting a guy that is already taken are each pretty problematical. The problem here isn't how to get the guy back, the problem here is that you causally dumped all four together and even asked the question. You're past the "just get over him" zone, you're fast heading into the obsessive & lost-touch-with-reality zone.

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You can't make him come back to you and it isn't fair of him to keep telling you he still loves you. Make a clean break here and tell him that he can't keep doing this. He needs to make a choice, ask him outright if he wants you back if he says no or he doesn't know then that it. Move on, if you take a step back he might even step forward.


Long distance relationships are hard, that's one thing for sure. Normally, one would avoid it due to the efforts that one may have to give in to keep the relationship alive. And by that, you need alot of effort. Also, it is not always preferable unless they really cherish each other. To have a new girlfriend may be that he wants a "real" relationship ignoring the fact he still loves you. It can be a cover up and a hope that maybe his current relationship can take dellusion him from who he really love. The truth is, its really unfair what he's doing. To put no effort and pushing away his feelings. Are you sure you really want this guy back from what he's doing? He's not considerate of what you might think and his action is just selfish. Break with him. However, if he makes the choice to be with you even with the long-distance, you will need a talk.

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Q: How do you get your ex boyfriend back when its long distance and he has a new girlfriend but he says he still loves you?
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