

How do you make the accent mark on letters?

Updated: 2/13/2020
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Q: How do you make the accent mark on letters?
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Should the Italian word 'tre' have an accent mark?

No, the Italian word "tre" ("three") should not have an accent mark.Specifically, the word only has three letters. Two of the letters are consonants. What with just one vowel, no accent is needed for pronunciation or stress.

What is the accent mark above letters in spanish called?

Acento. á would be said as "a con acento."

What is an accent mark look like?

An accent mark can take various forms depending on the language. In Spanish, for example, you might see an acute accent (´) or a tilde (~) over letters. In French, accent marks such as the grave accent (`), acute accent (´), circumflex (^), and diaeresis (¨) are common.

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there is no accent mark on the word formidable

What do you call the punctuation mark used in French spelling?

The accent mark over this letter é is an acute accent. The accent mark over this letter è is a grave accent. The accent mark over this letter ê is a circumflex accent. The mark under this letter ç is a cedilla.

What is the French opposite of an accent grave?

The French opposite of an accent grave is an accent aigu. An accent aigu is a diacritical mark used in French to indicate the stressed syllable in a word, while an accent grave typically appears on the letter "e" and sometimes on the letters "a" and "u" to modify their pronunciation.

What is if in Spanish?

if = si (withOUT the accent mark) yes = Sí (with the accent mark)

Does television have an accent mark in spanish?

No. Now, if you spell it out as "televisión", you do use an accent mark.

How do you make an accent mark on the computer?

To make an accent mark on a computer, you can use keyboard shortcuts. For example, for Windows, you can hold down the Alt key and type a specific code on the number pad to create an accent mark. For Mac, you can hold down the Option key and press a specific key to create an accent mark. Alternatively, you can use the character map tool on your computer to insert special characters with accent marks.

How do you make an e with an accent mark over it on a computer?

you need a french keyboard i think

Does the word mesa have an accent?

If you are talking about an accent mark called the 'accute accent', then no. It does not.

Is it correct to say ''Puérto Rico'' with an accent mark above the e or ''Puerto Rico'' with no accent mark?

The accent is normally omitted in English.