

How do you remove a warts?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The Skinny on Wart Removal

WikiAnswers contributors share their tips:

  • Put Duct Tape on and leave for 3-4 days. Remove the tape and soak the area in Epsom salts and warm water for 15 minutes and remove the extra skin, which is now dead.
  • Repeat process as necessary. (This also works on plantar warts, which some people can get on the bottom of their feet.)
  • If it is stubborn, go to the doctor. You can also buy wart removal kits at a drug store.
  • I agree duct tape works. If it is a stubborn wart, however, try a little piece of banana peel over the wart and under the duct tape. It sounds silly but after treating a stubborn wart on my son's hand with just the duct tape, we tried it and finally got rid of it.
  • Try putting some liquid nitrogen on it. (Use some Dr. Scholl's "Wart Freeze Away.")
  • Try using some Compound-W.
  • I heard you can dip it in cow's milk for 2 days.
  • You could try an over-the-counter wart remover. They come in creams, medicated bandages, and freeze-off kits. If it persists or is large in size, a doctor can freeze or cut it off to get rid of it.
  • A health professional usually removes a wart by a method called cryosurgery.
  • In the Philippines, there are cashew trees. Take a leaf (as well as the sap) and apply it on the EDGE of your warts. Don't rinse it. Leave it and do it daily... On the 21st day, you can now easily remove the wart painlessly.
  • Use vitamin E oil on the wart. You can get it in a pharmacy and it really works.
  • Try some apple cider vinegar under the duct tape.
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Liquid garlic won't remove warts.

Can you use duct tape to remove plantar warts?

Duct tape won't remove plantar warts.

How do toads get warts?

Since toads don't cause warts - this is a well-known fact, don't bother thinking otherwise - you don't need to do anything to get rid of warts from toads. No need to remove what you haven't got. You might still have warts though, only you've gotten them from someplace else. Usually another human. It's easy to get rid of warts. There are both OTC methods that work rather well, and there are things doctors can do to remove warts. Check out the related question "how to remove warts".

How can you remove warts in a few days?

get a pin and poke it open!!

How To Remove Plantar Warts?

by planter wart remover at the store

Can warts be removed with masking tape?

No, duct tape can only remove some layers of skin. Warts are caused by an infection which can be treated by having a doctor identify the type of wart and using the appropriate treatment. Some people are more susceptible to warts than others and must get repeated treatments; most people have an outbreak or two in their lifetime.

Are there any risks of spreading warts on my feet to anywhere and what are some of the best ways and products to remove them?

If someone wishes to remove warts on their feet there are a variety of different products that could achieve this. Some of these products are available at a local pharmacy.

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How do you take away warts?

There are various ways to remove warts. From the cheapest but effective method DIY best wart remover with natural substances / home remedies to laser treatment. However the treatment will depends on what kind of warts you have. So make sure what types of warts do you have before proceed to the certain treatment.

What chapter is aunt Polly's nephews cure for warts in Tom Sawyer?

The cure for warts mentioned by Aunt Polly's nephew in "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" is found in Chapter 6. Tom Sawyer uses this cure to remove the warts on his hand.

What types of warts are there?

Plantars warts seed warts smart warts and many more

Why do pickles have warts?

pickles have warts because cucumbers have warts.