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i dont think you really can but i will get back to you on it as soon as possiable

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Q: How do you remove strong smoky flavor from a ham?
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If you don't have a ham hock what can you use?

Ham hocks are for flavor. A piece of country ham can be used. I've also known people that use smoked turkey wings to get that same flavor. If you use country ham, cut it in about 1" pieces so it will cook quicker and also release more flavor. Bacon can also be used to provide nice smoky flavor.

Why do they put a bone in the middle of a ham?

for flavor

Why is ham pink but pork is white?

The color of ham is intricately linked to the seasoning process. Thioflavinoid molecules, also present in shrimp, bubble gum, and hyperoxegenated blood are used to give ham it's smoky sweet flavor, with the side effect of turning it pink. Concentrated Thioflavinol and the other oxides of this group are highly toxic, but luckily they are extremely dilute in ham bubblegum and flamingos.

Are sandwiches better with ham?

well in my sake of it I prefer ham on my sandwiches because it adds more flavor and add Miracle whip

Will soaking the ham in vinegar remove the salt?

It may but the ham will not taste good, better soak the ham in clean fresh water.

Which is better taste with cheese and ham fig or date?

Perform a blind taste test. With my experience, figs are not as overpowering in sweetness as dates. Figs have a delicate texture and slightly sweet flavor that pairs well with salty foods such as cheese and ham. As for the ham, I would not use sandwich meat ham or even regular baked ham. They are much too salty and packed with too much water. Instead, I recommend Italian ham, proscuitto, for its smoked aroma and delicate exterior. Its savory flavor enhances the flavor of fig. To make this combination even better, wrap a sliced fig with a slice of proscuitto and sear with olive oil. You will get the crunchy, sweet, salty, and moist combination. Enjoy!

How do you get a ham very moist?

coat with brown sugar and honey, baste frequently

What do unopened flower buds of the clove tree are used to do?

dull pain of toothache, freshen the breath, and flavor ham

How would you describe the best-ever glazed baked ham recipe?

The best recipe for baked ham would be very simple, it would bring out the flavor of the ham while still contributing variety, and it would yield a delicious and crowd-pleasing result.

Can a smoked ham be boiled in brown sugar to remove salt?


What are 2 functions of the bone?

first function, to give to a dog for tea and second to give the flavor to ham and lental soup

Should you baste a ham?

You baste a ham every 15-30 minutes that it's in the oven for. To baste, remove the ham from the oven and (using a spoon or baster) pour the juice that has accumulated in the tray back over the ham. Place ham back in the oven.