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Q: How do you say 'Welsh cakes' in Welsh?
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Why did they invent welsh cakes?

why not

What is the welsh word for cakes?


Can you give me a long list of welsh cakes?

Some types of Welsh cakes are Jam Split, Mynydd Cymreig, and Llech Cymraeg.

What are the Welsh known for?

they are known for welsh tea cakes and small farming and mining villages

What candy or dessert is Wales famous for?

Welsh cakes Bara Birth.

Where do welsh cakes come from?

* Wales, orignated from South Wales in WWI

What is a welsh traditions?

there are many welsh traditions but the welsh celebrate a festival called Eistedfodd, St. Davids day , and a day called 'Calan Mai' Daffodills, Leaks, and red dragons are all welsh symbols. welsh cakes, and Cawl ( Soup) are traditional welsh foods.

How do you say welsh in welsh?


How do you say no in Welsh?

"Na" is the word for "no" in Welsh.

How did Welsh cakes develop?

Welsh cakes can be traced back in time to one of the earliest forms of baking, where a flatstone, or bakestone, would be placed onto an open fire. This stone was then used as the cooking surface for the Welsh cakes, the equivalent to today's hotplate. The Welsh cake mixture would be placed onto the stone and cooked first on one side and then turned to complete the cooking. At one time they were often eaten in both cottages and farmhouses alike, and miners would also have them in their lunchboxes

How do you say the end in Welsh?

"y diwedd" is how you say it in Welsh language.

How do you say I agree in Welsh?

In Welsh, you would say "Rwy'n cytuno" to say "I agree."