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In most cases, mushrooms are not harmful to an area. Few mushrooms contribute to lawn diseases. However, many people feel that mushrooms are unattractive. Therefore, they look for a way to kill the fungus. The actual mushroom is simply the fruit of a fungi. Killing the mushroom does not remove--or kill--the mycelia causing their growth. Taking actions to kill mushrooms does not necessarily mean they will not reappear. These are the different ways of killing a mushroom:

1. Reduce the amount of moisture in the area.

  • Mushrooms thrive in wet soils.
  • Refrain from, or slow down, the amount of irrigating or watering you do to the location.

2. Eliminate decaying elements that enhance the growth of mushrooms.

  • Remove grass clippings after mowing by raking them with a rake or using a bag grass catcher on your mower.
  • Clean up pet waste.
  • Have tree stumps ground and removed.

3. Increase the amount of light the mushrooms receive.

  • Mushrooms grow best in shady areas.
  • Cut tree limbs or other hindrances that interfere with sunlight getting to the mushroom-infested area.

4. Create better penetration of moisture and air flow in the ground.

  • Consider aerating the ground with an aerator to prevent the mushrooms from sitting in a stale, moist environment.

5. Remove the mushrooms from the ground as you see them appear.

  • Pull, hoe or cut down the mushrooms.
  • Other mushrooms will likely grow in their place.
  • Continuous removal will help with the appearance and kill the mushrooms that have formed.
  • Removing mushrooms promptly as they grow, and before their spores spread, will aid in confining the fungus to 1 area.


  • Mushroom spores can be blown by the wind from other areas and a reinfestation will occur if you do allow the location to become fungus friendly with moisture, darkness and decay. Do not stop your practices once the mushrooms are gone unless you want them to return.
  • Some mushrooms are poisonous. Only experts can distinguish some of the poisonous varieties from edible varieties. Be cautious if children or pets are around wild growing mushrooms.

What will you need:

  • Rake

  • Mower with grass bag catcher

  • Aerator

  • Hoe

  • Nitrogen fertilizer

  • Fungicide

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13y ago

You may have to apply some sort of fungicide to your lawn.

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Q: How do you kill mushrooms growing in your grass?
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