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struct data


std::string lastname;

std::string firstname;

double weight;


std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, data& d)


return is >> d.lastname >> d.firstname >> d.weight;


std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const data& d)


return os << d.lastname << ' ' << d.firstname << ' ' << d.weight;


int main()


std::cout << "Enter filename: ";

std::string filename;

std::cin >> filename;

std::ifstream infile (filename);

if (infile.bad())


std::cerr << filename << " could not be opened!\n";

return -1;


std::vector<data> v;

char c;

while (infile >> c)


infile.putback (c);

data d;

infile >> d;

v.push_back (d);



for (auto d : v)

std::cout << d << '\n';


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