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Two male dogs will compete for a female in heat because they want the right to mate with her. They will often fight to the death to make sure the other dog does not father the puppies. When a female is in heat, the males will become agitated when they see another male dog.

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14y ago

Male canines can smell the female canines pheromones from a great distance. Pheromones are only emitted when the female is in heat.

The reason a dog can do this is because of his phenomenal sense of smell. I have heard that a dog can smell several drops of urine in a whole swimming pool!

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it looses faith in itself !

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Q: How does a male dog know when a female is in heat?
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if your asking how to find a male dog for your female dog then your gonna have to wait until your female dog is in heat then automatically the male dog will be attracted to the female and they will mate

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Often, a male dog is protective of the pregnant female dog, usually if he is the "mate." Sometimes dogs, mates of the pregnant dog or not, will act aggressivley towards the female dog, also known as the "bitch."

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Yes as long as the male dog is not fixed

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A dish of water, and a female dog.

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until the female has giving birth

What causes female dogs to go into heat Can male dogs cause this to happen?

Female dogs go into heat when they think of mating, they get excited, then the male dogs will mate with them... however a male dog can make a female one to go into heat by licking the dog's vulva with their tongues...........

Will a fixed male dog get attached to female dog in heat?

Yes. It definitely happened to my dog.

If a female dog is with another male dog will they mate even if the female is not on heat?

Most females will only allow a male to mount them if they are in heat as this is the time when they are most fertile. Although some females will allow a dog to mate them whilst they are not in heat, there is less chance of the female getting pregnant.

Will a male dog ride a pregnant dog?

Like breed her? Female will usually only allow a male on her when she is in heat.