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Q: How is soil different from other soils?
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What are the different soils?

tap soil

How is the air found in soils different from the air i the atmosphere?

They are different because one is in the air and the others and the other is in soil

Show different types of soils with relevent pictures?

1.Red soil

Why do soils have different masses?

This is due to different soil compositions.

How are clay soils and sandy soils different?

they are different because caly soil can hold water extremley well but sandy soil holds water poorly

What is soil absorbency?

Soil absorbency refers to the rate at which a particular soil takes in water. Different soils have different soil absorbencies.

Why do different soils absorb rainwater?

because they are soil ...

Do Soils have different materials in them?

Yes soil does have different materials in it.

Name three types of soil?

clay soils, loamy soils and sandy soils and mud and peaty soil and silty soiland more they do did'nt do it.

Is rainwater absorbed at the same rate in different lands of soil?

No, heavy clay soils drain more slowly than sandy soils. In other words, the composition of the soil determines the rate water travels through it.

Why are soils different colors?

Due to different kind of minerals present in soil.

Different type of soil in India and their distribution among state?

There are six different types of soil in India. There's the alluvial soil which takes up 40% of the land, regular soils which are of the Deccan trap region, red soils that are on crystalline rocks, laterite soil which is found on Tamil Nadu and Orissa and mountain and desert soils.