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There are many people who commit suicide due to bullying.

They can't take all the mental and physical pain that they are going through. In fact one of my friends from school have tryed to commit suicide by hanging herself. Just don't bully.

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10y ago

Due to bullying, alone? We don't know. Each of us react differently to similar bullying. Fight or flight are two extreme examples with degrees of reactions between. The question you might be asking, 'Why will one student commit suicide while others react differently to bullying?' Can these issues be addressed in adults? Can a focus on controlling this in children help protect students from the poor examples taught to them from those adults? I apologize if you were seeking an actual number. I would not trust those figures to be accurate. There are many ways for people to destroy themselves.

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13y ago

Way too many, I recently had a child of only 13 try to kill herself due to bullying at my local school. It's very sad and needs to be stopped.

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Q: How many people commit suicide a year due to school bullying?
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Why you should never commit suicide from bullying?

You should not commit suicide from bullying because escaping the problem is not a solution to the problem. Instead of feeling sorry for the situation, there are many ways on how one can alleviate and solve the problem. There are authorities or school personnel, whom one can talk to, in order to report these issues.

How many kids commit suicide because of bullying in the US?

There are many types of bullying that takes place, but the 2010 statistics show that 2.7 million children are bullied each day. This is about 2.1 students. Seventy-one percent of students see bullying as a problem in their school. It is the leading cause of death under the age of 14 by suicide and according to a study by the Yale school of medicine there is a strong connection between suicide and bullying. The rate has grown by 50% in the last 30 years, but I could not find an exact number of deaths that occur due to bullying. The reason for this may be that the death is not listed as a direct cause of bullying and it may be assumed that it is an indirect cause.

How many teens commit suicide due to bullying?

Suicide is a complex issue and can have multiple factors contributing to it, including bullying. In the United States, suicide is the second leading cause of death for individuals aged 10-24. It's important to address bullying as a serious issue that can have harmful effects on mental health and well-being.

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The answer is yes. a boy whos name has not been released yet commit suicide police think because of bullying and drugs. KIDS STAY IN SCHOOL AND DONT DO DRUGS.

When did Amanda Todd commit suicide?

Amanda suffered from depression after years of bullying from both an adult and her school mates. She made some poor choices that led to years of bullying. She subsequently began taking drugs and alcohol, and became very depressed.

Do gay people commit suicide?

Yes, sadly, some gay people commit suicide. Straight people commit suicide too. Some people, for example, those who know they are dying, prepare their friends and family. Some even have a party before.Younger people who are facing difficulties that seem unbearable sometimes commit suicide, often without seeking help. Every trouble you have now will seem much smaller when you look back at it in a few years' time, or maybe a few month's time.There's a website for gay stories called "It Gets Better!" (See the link below). It has lots of videos where gay people tell their stories of earlier bullying, misunderstandings, school problems, etc, and how much better it all gets after a while.Please click through on the link. It really does GET BETTER!

What should you do when Bullies say to you go Commit Suicide NOW?

Talk to someone. As hard as bullying is to deal with, one day you will be out of school and never have to see these people again. In the meantime, find someone you can confide in. Talk to your parents or a counselor. They may be able to help. It does "get better."

What would a school do if a pupil committed suicide from bullying?

school would let the children know and have a memorial service and let the children know get a school counciller so evey child can talk about it, make sure there is more people notice about bullying, make sure people know there is help out there

Why do suicide to your self?

people commit suicide for various reasons relating to pressure or stress they feel will never be relieved. I have personal experience with wanting to commit suicide because i get beat up every day at school and if i tell anyone about it they will beat me twice as bad.abuse is one of the most common reasons why people kill themselves.

According to the CDC what is the leading cause of suicide in girls?

According to the CDC and several other sources, there are a few different causes of suicide in young girls. Some of the causes include a stressful event, such as parental divorce or bullying at school. Additionally, if there aer firearms in the home, children are more likely to commit suicide. Other risk factors include abuse, drug use in the home, and problems in school.

What percentage of bullying is cyber bullying?

Statistic says:42% of teenagers who have access to tochnology reported that they experienced being bullied last year.3 million kids are absent from school due to cyber bullying.20% think about suicide 1/10 tries to commit it.

Are people commiting suicide because they are different and people tease them?

People can commit suicide for various reasons: being bullied either at school or the workplace; being on street drugs or alcohol; the death of a loved one; loss of job; financial difficulties, etc. Teens are at a higher risk of suicide because of intense bullying and the bullies teasing them exhaust the victim and make them feel alone and terrified so the teen feels there is no way out, but suicide. GOOD NEWS! Teachers; parents; the police; programs started in some schools in the United States and Canada by many good students to protect victims from bullying is very proactive and New Jersey has the strictest laws again bullying. No more are people going to allow a handful of bullies to dominate and threaten their victims and the laws are changing very quickly no matter if the bully is a minor not. School is not forever and if a victim of bullying takes their own life then they have let the bully win! Once out of school the victim of bullying often becomes successful in life while the bully becomes nothing but an empty shell or a person or, in some cases the bully may feel some remorse when they get older.