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Q: How many people in the world live with a weakened immune system due to autoimmune diseases or transplants or chemotherapy or etc?
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Can you die from autoimmune disease if let untreated for lack of not knowing?

Autoimmune diseases weaken the body's natural defenses against infectious organisms. If weakened too far, even a common cold can prove fatal. If you suspect you have an autoimmune disease, it is very important to visit a physician for testing.

What causes the reactivation of the virus?

It is believed that the reactivation is triggered when the immune system becomes weakened as a result of age, stress, fatigue , certain medications, chemotherapy, or diseases such as cancer or HIV.

How did disease help the Spanish conquer natives?

Diseases from Europe that the Spanish were immune to affected and weakened the natives.

What is cell therapy used for?

Cell therapy has been used successfully to rebuild damaged cartilage in joints, repair spinal cord injuries, strengthen a weakened immune system, treat autoimmune diseases such as AIDS, and help patients with neurological disorders.

What conditions does cell therapy treat?

Cell therapy has been used successfully to rebuild damaged cartilage in joints, repair spinal cord injuries, strengthen a weakened immune system, treat autoimmune diseases such as AIDS, and to help patients with neurological disorders

Who are the persons at high risk of food borne illness and why?

The people at highest risk for foodborne illnesses are those with weakened immune systems. This commonly includes the elderly and the very young, but also covers those with severe disease (late-stage cancer, congestive heart failure, etc.) and those taking immunosuppressive drugs (those with autoimmune diseaes or organ transplants).

What are the demographics of shingles?

Shingles arises in individuals who have already had chicken pox, and especially in people with weakened immune systems, such as the elderly or people receiving chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation.

What weakened the Incan empire and allowed Pizarro to enter?

According to Dr. Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel, smallpox and other European diseases weakened he native populations, allowing for a European Conquistadors to take over.

What factor played the biggest role in the Aztecs defeat?

Diseases(small pox) because it spreaded and killed many people which weakened the empire

Does aids stand for autoImmunodeficiency Syndrome?

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency. It is caused by a virus. It is not autoimmune. They are they exact opposite. In autoimmunity, the immune system is over active and mistakenly attacks the healthy self. In AIDS the immune system is extremely weakened and attacks next to nothing.

Are dead viruses used to fight diseases?

It's a weakened form of the virus used to fight diseases, they are used to make your immune system stronger. It is used instead of the live virus which might cause the disease. They are more commonly used in vaccines.

Is weakened an adverb?

No, "weakened" is not an adverb.The word "weakened" is a verb.