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3 meals. around 3 snacks. Not easy. try to stick to it.

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13y ago

It depends on how active she is! Usually 1-3 small snacks is about the average amount someone that age should eat between meals per day.

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3 a day and snacks in between

Should schools allow junk food snacks?

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There are many protein snacks that you can eat to help you target for your goal. Some snacks you can eat to target your goal are egg whites, beef jerky, or cottage cheese and fruit.

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You can eat wheat, fiber, fruit, vegetables, some chocolate such as dark chocolate, pudding, yogurt, nuts such as cashews and there are many other snacks that aren't salty.

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she should eat vegetables and workout no snacks just large meals and there you go

How much food do you need to eat a day?

you should eat three measl a day with no snacks in between or 2 meals with snacks and definitly fruit and an apple with every meal!

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Snacks are good. You should eat a small healthy snack between meals that way you won't be as hungry between meals and you can eat less at meals.

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Eat alot of snacks at night; about 20 differrent snacks should do; trust me I do that every single night.

What kind of snacks do Canadians eat?

For a good idea of Canadian Snacks: If you want to see lots of popular Canadian snacks then you should check out they have lots to choose from

How much can you eat fruity snacks?

You can eat fruity snacks as long as you still eat vegetables and other food

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Filipinos typically eat three main meals a day, which are breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Snacking between meals is also common.

What do Hindus eat for snacks?

Wow... wierdest question I came across in my life... but I'll answer it anyways :) If your Hindu, it doesn't mean you should eat only certain snacks or whatever. You can eat anything... :P Source: Common Sense :)