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Coke and vinegar are both acidic, and so would make your acid reflux worse.

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Q: How much coke or vinegar to take for acid reflux?
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What kind of mixture is a vinegar?

Vinegar is mainly diluted acetic acid. For a much longer and more complete explanation, see the question "What is vinegar?".

How much vinegar goes in a quart of water to make acetic acid?

About 5 percent of vinegar goes in a quart of water to make acetic acid.

How much nitric acid does vinegar have?

Vinegar is the household name for a chemical compound known as Acetic Acid. The kind of vinegar you buy from the grocery store is typically composed of about 5% acetic acid and 95% water (by weight), giving an acid concentration of .83 M.However, this doesn't completely answer the question because some acids are stronger than others. Chemists measure acidity by the concentration of free-floating protons released by the acid. The proton concentration of commercial vinegar is 3.9 x 10-2 M, giving it a pH of 2.4 (low pH = higher acidity). For comparison, lemon juice has an approximate pH of 2.0 and Coca-Cola has a pH of 2.6.So vinegar has a little more acid than coke and a little less acid than your average lemon.

The Challange Of Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is a troubling, chronic condition that affects millions of people in our society today. Acid reflux exhibits itself as a burning sensation and results when stomach acid enters the esophagus. These symptoms occur when the lower esophageal sphincter is abnormally relaxed. This sphincter normally maintains a tight seal around the top of the stomach. In addition to heartburn, acid reflux can also result in spontaneous regurgitation and difficulty in swallowing. Less commonly, acid reflux can result in chest pain, nausea, abnormally heavy salivation and painful swallowing. Long term acid reflux sufferers are at risk of contracting esophagitis, a more serious condition that features inflammation of the esophagus. Serious cases of esophagitis can force sufferers to resort to feeding tubes as their sole form of sustenance. Treating acid reflux can be quite difficult, due to the sheer number of underlying conditions that can cause the symptoms. Obesity is a major contributing factor towards acid reflux. A study of acid reflux sufferers showed that as much as 13% of negative changes in stomach acid levels could be attributed to weight gain and changes in body shape. Acid reflux may also be symptom of sleep apnea or gallstones. Although curing or even treating acid reflux can be virtually impossible, patients can take measures to limit the severity of symptoms. These measures include sleeping with the upper body raised or sleeping exclusively on the left side. Acid reflux sufferers should limit the size of their meals and avoid eating before sleep. Losing even a few pounds can produce appreciable symptom reductions. The most popular method for limiting acid reflux is for sufferers to refrain from foods that are perceived as rich or acidic. These foods commonly include acidic fruit juice, coffee, fatty foods, onions and peppermints. This strategy is highly intuitive, which has resulted in enduring popularity. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of convincing evidence that dietary changes directly reduce acid reflux. Changing diet can indirectly reduce acid reflux by producing weight loss. The troubling acid reflux epidemic only highlights how obesity continues to create challenges in our society.

What is the pH level for vinegar?

Vinegar is acidic in nature as it is a solution of acetic acid. The exact pH of vinegar depends upon how much acid is present, but most commercial distilled white vinegars contain 5-10% acetic acid and have a pH roughly around 2.40 - 3.40.

Related questions

Is apple cider vinegar good for acid reflux?

Vinegar is not meant for babies. This is a strong liquid that would take the breath away from a baby if they inhale it. It is safe enough to use for washing clothes or for bathing of the skin in a diluted manner however.

Is acid reflux the same as heartburn?

Heartburn is a symptoms of acid reflux that shows up as tightness, pain or discomfort in the chest area. Acid reflux occurs when acid in stomach regurgitates up into the esophagus. Heartburn follows by the acid reflux. Heartburn can not happen without acid reflux.

Learn How to Live with Acid Reflux?

If you are unfortunate enough to have acid reflux, there are foods that you can eliminate from your diet to ease the stresses of the condition. Avoid foods that are high in fat. These are the worst foods for someone with acid reflux to eat. Also, try to not eat as much dairy or fiber through the day. These foods are known to bring on acid reflux.

How much time must pass between dinner and bed time to prevent acid reflux?

There is no set time to wait between dinner and bedtime to prevent acid reflux. The time range differs between diffent people, and there are medications to prevent acid reflux.

How much Acid is in vinger?

Vinegar is acetic acid, so pretty much all of it is acid.

Acid reflux and pregnancy?

No acid reflux don't have any effect like that whether you are pregnant or not. Acid reflux if you are not pregnant can be a sign that you are eating too much, too fatty or too spicy. The acid in the stomach can't break it down and the "mouth" of the stomach wont close properly.

Do certain foods cause acid reflux heartburn?

Acid reflux can also be known as GERD. Having this problem does not have to do so much with what you eat but what you do with and/or after it.

How much acid is in vinegar?

5 to 10 %

How much acid is in yellow vinegar?


Is vinegar muriatic acid?

No, vinegar is a solution of acetic acid. Muriatic acid is a solution of hydrochloric acid - much stronger acicdity. Don't make salad dressing with Muriatic Acid!

What kind of mixture is a vinegar?

Vinegar is mainly diluted acetic acid. For a much longer and more complete explanation, see the question "What is vinegar?".

What does vinegar do to your insides if drunk too much?

If you drink to much vinegar. you may experience slight nausea. The acid in vinegar is milder than your stomach acid, so it will not be likely to have any harmful effects.