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Antler is not bone but tissue, and is the fastest growing tissue in the world right next to cancerous tissue (I cannot remember which of the two is fastest). White-tailed deer shed their antlers anywhere from January to March (varies slightly by region; I am in New England area). From the time they fall off they start growing again and are full size by mid-August. Throughout the growing process the antlers have been covered in a furry skin called velvet. The velvet has blood circulating through it, bringing nutrients to the growing antlers. In mid-August the velvet is pinched off at the base (burr) of the antler and the blood no longer enters the area, causing the velvet to shrink and dry up and fall off. I think I remember some deer biologists saying that antler can grow and inch or 2 per day. Look for books by either Leonard Lee Rue III or Dr. James C. Kroll for everything you could possibly want to know about deer.

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Q: How much time does it take a white tale deer to grow antlers?
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How much do antlers grow a day?

depends on the species of deer

Can female deer have antlers?

No they do not. Male deer have antlers to fight for a female, protect them, and gain there love. -----this was a brief answe from yours truly the bored kid doing homework and answering questions.......I am always accurate but I may not always have a ton of detail- and will be adding a mark on my answers. >E<

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How can someone identify a whitetail deer?

They are very easy to identify. For starters, an elk usually has much darker fur than a deer. Deer have more white on them also, and have lighter fur and are smaller. Elk have tall antlers that look like that of a caribou, deer have distinctive antlers. I would recommend searching pictures of each if you want to know more.

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Why female deer havehorns?

yes although it is pretty rare. something like 1 in 5000. These females look and act like bucks but with closer inspection they are indeed female. recently, a hunter in Michigan shot one of these anomalies

When will rutting season be over this year for southeastern Ohio?

The rutting season for deer is pretty much over. Deer are losing their antlers in mid-January. Walking in the woods where deer are known to frequent may lead to discovery of their shed antlers at this time of year.

Why do moose have antlers?

Moose do regrow their antlers, but as they get older, they don't grow as big. Moose lose their antlers in the winter because they have to use extra energy to grow them. if they fall off, the energy that the moose uses in the summer to grow its antlers will be used to survive without much food.

Difference between mule buck deer and white tail buck deer?

whites have big white fluffy tails and are generally smaller. Their antlers are more strait forward were as a mules are forked and very wide. Mules tend to be much more aggressive. The mule deer also has a very dark pelt and very large ears. (hence, the naming)

Why do moose have horns?

Moose don't have horns. They are antlered mammals, much like elk or deer. The difference between horns and antlers is that antlers will typically be grown and fall off annually, whereas horns will grow only once. There are several reasons that moose have antlers. First, when the antlers grow and develop in the warmer months of the year, the antlers are covered in a fine velvet that is soft to the touch. Underneath the velvet flows a system of arteries and veins that circulate blood throughout the antlers. this acts as a cooling mechanism for the moose, keeping it cool in the hot months of summer. When the weather begins to cool down in fall, the moose will shed their velvet, with much bleeding, in order to turn their antlers into weapons. using trees and other objects as sharpening devices, moose peel the velvet from their antlers and sharpen their antlers in order to use them as a defense against predators and as a tool for finding a mate.

How big were Irish elk antlers?

The antlers of the Irish elk were absolutely amazingly huge, much wider spanning and longer than any species of deer or member of the deer family existing today. On average, a bull Irish elk's antlers were found to have a span that was at least 10 to 12 feet in length, or the span of two men laying end-to-end to each other.

How much does it cost to stuff a deer?

There are a variety of ways to purchase deer. Buy a deer that is already stuffed could cost over $300. Buying deer meet could cost around $3.50 a pound and up. Buying just the antlers could vary on the size of the antlers.