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As anorexics continue to starve themselves they tend to loose muscle mass. Weight loss is the result of burning calories and calories are generally burned by muscle mass. So as one looses muscle mass that person will tend to loose weight less rapidly. Unfortunately, some of the muscle mass is essential to life. If too much muscle mass is given up in an attempt to loose weight, serious health problems and even death can be the result. If muscles become too weak, they quit working. One very essential muscle is the heart. If you loose too much muscle mass your heart will stop and you will die.

AnswerAll of it (i.e. the whole body). This is why anorexia is the most fatal of all psychological disorders.

Anorexics noramlly use a very strict diet. But with eating certain foods, you can drop twice the weight, twice as fast! Here, I'll show you:

Drinks: Water, (you can by 0 calorie packets at Walmart for your bottled waters for flavor) diet sodas (in modertation), coffee...

Foods: Carrots...these taste good and are low in fat count, Celery, all water! Awesome stuff! Apples...blueberries...(essential), salads with low fat dressing or just lemon juice dressing..

Also, you can have meat. Make sure it is grilled. This sucks out the fat. If you want to suck out fat, drinka tsp of Apply Cider Vinegar in your water to suck out fats.

Sweets are strictly mints and suck on candies. You can buy small packs of 100 calorie candies you can use for a few days.

Ok, even try some protein shakes. These are really good and filling. Also, try tuna, a bit of fish, wheat thins, and anything else low cal.

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Q: How much weight do anorexics lose if they keep starving themselves?
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Does it work for what? I can't think of any reason starving is a good idea.Any change in weight when taking a thyroid medication will mean that you need to adjust the doseage. Not that you shouldn't try to lose weight if you are over-weight but, keep in mind that you will need to work with your doctor and lose weight at a reasonable pace to keep your thyroid problem in check.Like the first poster, I don't understand, for what?Starving is certainly not a good idea for anyone in anycase.

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Anorexics are usually very self-conscious. They have a low body-image. This can lead them to think that they have flaws that need to be "fixed" through extreme dieting, or that they can become "more beautiful" is they starve themselves to lose weight. Many feel that they are too heavy, or that they are fat, even when they are not. If they are working to keep their anorexia a secret, some might feel alone because they are afraid to confine in others, for fear that they might let something slip.

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The people at the Gym used a weight to keep themselves fit and healthy.

What kinds of excuses do anorexics use to keep from eating?

They argue they are always hungry and unsatisfied

How do you keep your pet rat skinny?

Its not good to keep them skinny but to lower their weight alot a wheel is best as they can shred extra weight off themselves and its a lot of fun as well for them.

Why do anorexics bloat?

Anorexics may bloat because they tend to live off of water and coffee, but they also might eat a candy bar or something else during the day to keep their energy up.

Why do anorexics starve themselves?

Anorexics starve themselves to lose weight. They think that they weight too much (usually when they do not) so they don't eat so that they can lose weight to become thinner. Many believe that being thinner will make them "prettier" or "more attactive" to both other people and to society.

How do anorexics keep themselves thin?

I can tell you this from experience. Starvation diets don't work because the word 'diet' means for a short period of time, or for a period of time. Starvation diets work for a short period of time, but then once you start eating again, you start gaining weight like crazy. Anorexics lose weight because it is a lifestyle, and it is a permanent thing. Every day, for years, even, their diets are severely limited. But to some anorexics, even an apple and a piece of bread can be a binge. If you compare that to a starvation "diet", it seems like a severely limited amount of food. It's all in the state of mind.

If im overweight can you starve myself just a little so you can lose bout 30 pounds?

Starving yourself to lose weight is never a good idea. That is a sign of the dangerous and potentially deadly eating disorder known as anorexia nervosa. Starving will also lead to almost-immediate weight gain as soon as you return to normal eating again. Instead, proper dieting and exercise is always the best way to lose weight and to keep the weight off.

Do you lose weight with no exercise?

It is not likely, depending on what you are consuming during this time. You would literally have to be starving yourself to loose weight, and then, you would be loosing lean tissue mass (muscle) which, your body consumes first to keep you alive; and you don't want that.

How much weight can you lose if you stop eating for one week - even if it is not healthy you do not care?

It dosent matter because when you start eating again you will put on weight because your body stores fat to keep it alive because it thinks it starving.