

How old do albino corn snakes get?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: How old do albino corn snakes get?
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Related questions

Where do albino corn snakes live?

albino corn snakes are very rarely born in the wild.they almost always are bred in captivity. when born in the wild they are easy to spot, and therefore are easy prey for anything that is big enough to eat it.

Is there white and black corn snakes?

Yes, Corn Snakes actually come in a variety of colors(including black, white, red, brown, albino, ect.).

Are Corn Snakes expensive?

It sort of depends on the size, age and coloration ! Baby 'standard' corn snakes sell for around £60 but an albino would be more expensive.

What colour eyes do Corn snakes have?

dark (browny/black) unless its albino morph then its pink,

How big of mice do albino corn snakes eat?

depends on size of snake. take to pet store they will tell you.

Do the corn skin shed their skin?

Corn Snakes? Yes, all snakes shed their old skin.

How big are ghost snakes?

As big as they were when they died! But seriously, ghost is just the word for a mutation in snakes which means they are partly albino and partly normal. Ghost corn snakes are probably the most common and they can be anywhere from 3-6 feet fully grown.

How old do need to be to have a corn snake?

There is no special age, I have known people as young as 7 years old with corn snakes.

Will an albino corn snake eat other things besides mice?

Corn snakes in the wild will eat a variety of different foods, including lizards, birds, and small rodents. Anoles and other lizards provide the main food source, and as such, baby corn snakes often prefer lizards over mice. However, because of the large supply of mice available and the low cost, they are the preferred food item for corn snakes

How much money does an albino corn snake cost?

$50 - $100 is a fairly reasonable price range for an albino corn snake.

How long do albino snakes grow?

It depends what species they are, an albino grass snake would not grow as long as an albino anaconda.

How big do albino striped corn snakes get?

The Corn snake grows up to around 72 inches (1.8 metres). The 'morph' of a snake has no bearing on its size - they are simply colour variations that have been introduced through selective breeding.