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Most commonly, people will fill a bucket with water, and then add a large bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar to it. They will rest their feet in the bucket for around 30 minutes, several times a day. Colloidal Silver is also useful for nail fungus. It needs to be directly applied.

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Q: How to use Apple cider vinegar for nail fungus?
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Does he have a nail fungus condition?

Take care of your nail fungus! It will infect other fingers if you continue to allow it to live! Fungus can take months to get rid of, yet there are many home remedies for nail fungus which do work. You can use vicks, listerine, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar to name a few. It can also very easily spread to other toenails or fingernails. Once fungus has cleared up, continue to use your choses fungus remedy to make sure it does not return.

Will apple cider vinegar kill mites?

Yes, It will get rid of it quickly. The key to quickly, is wash the area infected area well with some sort of scour to exfoliate the area dry it off and then apply the apple cider vinegar to the area with a cotton ball or tissue. You can also soak the area if desired. Gone in less than a week!

Does nail polish cure toenail fungus?

That is insanely wrong. It can even cause you toenail fungus because there are some claims that fungus could live on nail polish. When you apply nail polish on toenail fungus it only worsen your situation. So better stay out of it when you have a toenail fungus.

How rigorous is nail fungus treatment?

Nail fungus treatment does not have to be rigorous or even painful. You can either be treated for nail fungus by oral medication, a special polish to get rid of the fungus, other topical medications, or only in extreme cases by surgery. Oral medications are the most common treatments for nail fungus. However, depending on the severity of the fungus you may be eligible for surgery, which removes the nail completely allowing it to grow back new.

What reaction do nails and vinegar create?

If referring to the effect of vinegar on finger and toe nails, vinegar is used to cure fungus. It can also weaken the enamel of the nail due to the acidity of the liquid.

Why do nail ridges turn black?

This may be due to the reason that your toe nail is at the verge of getting affected by the fungus and hence you will have to undergo natural toe nail fungus treatment.

Toe nail fungus?

Toenail fungus is caused by a group of fungus. Toe nail fungus causes disfiguration and discoloration of the nails. The affected nail becomes yellow or brown in colour. The nail could fall off or crumble easily. To prevent yourself from toe nail fungus keep your feet and nails clean. Wear cotton socks to absorb the moisture from your feet. Always keep your nails clean and trim them after they grow.

Which one of the following is not an example of a redox reaction A.Rusting nail B.Burning wood C.Browning apple core D.Mixing baking soda and vinegar?

D. Mixing baking soda and vinegar

What will totally disinfect nail clippers after someone with toenail fungus has used them?

it will give whoever uses them next nail fungus isn't it obvious!!!!

Does Cheryl Cole have nail fungus?

No she doesn't.

Does bacitracin clear nail fungus?

No. Bacitracin is an antibiotic for bacteria, not for fungus. For a nail fungus infection you need an oral (systemic) medication such as Lamisil tablets. Those who don't want to risk its side effects usually try less effective anti-fungal creams. Some believe that other remedies also work such as vinegar, vicks vaporub, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine bleach or Tea Tree Oil. Some work for some people, nothing works for everybody.

Can toenail fungus live in nail polish?

Yes! A toenail fungus can live between the nail and the polish. Also, the polish should definitely be discarded after use on infected nails. You can pick up a bottle of nail fungus remover over the counter at most pharmacies. You will be better off to keep polish of your nails until the fungus is gone. (I learned this while in college for Nail Technology).