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The 13 colonies were known as British North America, ruled over by Great Britain. The resentment of the American colonists toward the British rule climaxed with the American Revolution in 1775-1783, which gave the present day United States of America their sovereignty.

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15y ago

The colonies governed themselves as individual colonies, subject to being under British colonial rule. The colonies had their own charters and/or constitutions, but these could not contravene British law. The colonies formed the Continental Congress when the problems between them and Great Britain became more and more pronounced; but this Congress did not govern the colonies. It was simply a method of getting all the colonies together to discuss the issues that affected them.

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Various parts of both north and south America was controlled by several different nations. Most notably by Spain, Portugal and Britain.

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England did.

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Q: What country controlled the 13 US colonies before they became states?
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