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He could turn against your children, or he could not. But to be on the safe side he should not be abusing a woman any way. so my advice ould be to leave him and find a new man who you cna be happy with for the rest of your life. Then you and your children can be happy and lead a happy future. Good Luck!

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Q: If a man is emotionally abusive to women will he abuse children as well?
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Is an emotionally abusive man abusive to all women or just to his girlfriend or wife?

If a man is abusing his girlfriend and or wife, then he will more than likely be abusive to all women. It is a mind frame, women to him = abuse. This is not true in all cases but in most of them.

Why do woman abuse women?

Some women (like men) can be abusive to ANYONE - including other women.

Who or what does abuse affects?

Abuse effects women, men, children, animals all the same, whether it be mentally, physically, or emotionally; it's all the same. However, it's more common to happen to women than anything, sadly.

Did Alec Baldwin abuse women?

He was verbally abusive to his daughter but there's no valid info about him being physically abusive.

Do emotionally abusive men love the women they abuse?

Being emotionally abusive has a lot of factors and reasons and history. Maybe when they were young, they were also abused by their parents or someone they love. So sometimes it's just a result of a bad past or childhood or experience. Loving isn't really a question here. Love will always be there. It's just a matter of misconception.

Can the judge grant dad custody if he filed for custody and visitation for there toddler when he was abusive to mom and kicked them out of home but is now playing the nice guy?

It depends on related factors. In over 50% of ER Admission of women involved involving domestic violence, they state on the intake form that she attacked the man first. Also, men who are abusive to their partners abuse the children in just 8% of the cases, whereas where women who were abusive toward the men, abuse the children in 55% of the cases. Consider if 50% of the women admitted to ERs were abusive to the fathers, to which the men responded, even if excessively, how many children are in damage?Provided there's no clear evidence of abuse toward the child, there should be a consideration as being denied a father is very destructive to their future and their place in society. see link

How can you help spread awareness about emotional abuse?

You can actually start a small group from your home. You can volunteer at an Abused Women's Center (like I did.) You can write a book if you feel talented in that way and have experience emotional abuse. So many women are in abusive relationships and so fearful and controlled they don't know what they can do about their situation or where to go and that laws are being changed radically to protect women and children from abuse. Books are always a good way to get a message out. If you aren't into that I highly recommend volunteering at an Abusive Women's Center. Good luck Marcy

Why do women seek out abusive men and what makes a man abusive?

Many times, women don't "seek out" abusive men necessarily, but women are often attracted to "bad" boys, and that is just the way it is, no reason for it. And of course those bad boys could end of being highly abusive. Men are abusive when they control everything in a their parter's life. There is physical abuse, and emotional abuse, and many other types. If you ever feel threatened or unsafe, that could be a sign of abuse and you have to get out of that relationship immediately before it becomes something you'll regret. Your "man" WILL ask for you back, but you just have to stay strong and listen to your heart!

Male and female who are more corrupt?

Corruption is not determined by gender but rather by individual values and circumstances. Both males and females are capable of engaging in corrupt behavior. It is important to address corruption as a societal issue rather than attributing it to a specific gender.

What does a grandmother raising her 3 grandchildren do to get away from an emotionally abusive partner?

Get a restraining order against him....pack up the kids and move out. If you don't want to move, when he's gone, change the locks, get the restraining order and report his abuse to the police. OR...look in your yellow pages and find a local women's shelter to help you. The department of Children and Families should be able to help also.

What Percentage of women do not leave abusive men?

Answer The exact percentage isn't known as many women don't report abuse, but from the many questions on here regarding abuse, one might say the figure is quite high.

Do abusive parents become abusive to grandchildren?

Yes, but usually if it's physical abuse it doesn't happen as often with grandchildren because the parents are usually around and also, when parents bring up their own children their patience often grows thin, but when grandchildren come along they seem to have more patience (perhaps because they aren't around them 24/7 and they go home eventually.) If grandparents were abusive to their own children then I would hesitate to leave children with them. If it was sexual abuse then this never goes away! Don't leave children when anyone in the family that has sexually abused children even if their mate is with them or other family members. Most children that are sexually abused are by a father, grandfather or a close relative. In some cases women can sexually abuse males in the family.